Delaware Liberal

We Don’t Care How Difficult a Bind You are In.

I keep hearing from Republicans that they really need to be rescued from a crisis from their own making from the Democrats and President Obama. I keep hearing about how much of a bind they are in, and damn it, those meanie Democrats will not help them out. I agree with the Washington Post editorial board:

[By] minimal standards, this Congress is failing. More specifically, the Republican leaders of the House of Representatives are failing. They should fulfill their basic duties to the American people or make way for legislators who will.

We don’t come to that view as rabid partisans. On many of the issues stalemating Washington, we find plenty of blame to go around. We’ve criticized President Obama’s reluctance to pursue entitlement reform. The last time the country reached the debt ceiling, we urged both sides to compromise on revenue and spending in the interest of long-term fiscal soundness.

This time, fiscal responsibility isn’t even a topic. Instead, Republicans have shut much of the government in what they had to know was a doomed effort to derail the Affordable Care Act…. Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Budget Committee chairman and former vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan and their colleagues may be in a difficult political position. Honestly, we don’t much care. They need to reopen the government and let it pay its bills.

The reason we don’t care is because it is you who have taken the American people hostage, so I don’t care about the Republican’s well being and feelings. Honestly, I believe they should be behind bars. I also don’t care about how difficult it is to lead the Tea Party. Well, you created them. You got this idiot racist know nothing monsters elected. Dealing with them is your responsibility. Not ours. If doing your job will make them angry, tough. If you lose your job because you broke an unreasonable and outlandish promise you made to them, or if you violated their hate filled and treasonous expectations, tough. You made the promise you knew you could not keep. You raised the expectations that you knew could not reached.

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