Democrats Are Compromisers; Republicans Are Fanaticists

Filed in National by on October 8, 2013

That seems to be the take away of a recent poll by YouGov for The Economist. Asking whether they wanted a member of Congress who “compromises to get things done” or one who “sticks to their principles no matter what”, Democrats and Independents voted for compromise and the GOP favored sticking to principles. Which, observing this crew, is less about principles and more about sheer fanaticism. Although I note that there really is a good portion of the GOP who say they’d be interested in compromise too.

But in watching what has happened over the past several years, I don’t think that compromise is even a reasonable measurement anymore. We need to be able to measure how responsible the people we send to Congress are — as in will they respect country and its government and do what is best to keep it all going on behalf of its citizens?

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Part of what is wrong with the country is that Democrats have compromised on issues of objective truth rather than preference.

    The media allows (encourages) the type of compromise in which the objective truth is “5” Democrats take the position of “5” and if the Republicans claim “1” they view “2” as a reasonable compromise.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    I think, though, that what is missing are smarter compromises by Democrats. Policy matters and all too often Democrats value “compromise” more than they value “smart”. Smart compromise doesn’t let your party get yanked wholesale to the right, just because you need to say the words “compromise” and “bi-partisan”. The policy is supposed to be important too.

    Edit: we may be saying the same thing here.