Delaware Liberal

Erick Erickson Predicts GOP Split, 3rd Party Coming

Via TPM:

Incensed that House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) are reportedly abandoning the effort to defund or delay the Affordable Care Act, editor Erick Erickson predicted Thursday that Republican leadership is providing fertile ground for the rise of a “real third party movement” that will split the GOP.


Erickson wrote that those leaders “will ensure that Obamacare is fully funded and give the American public no delay like businesses have.”

“In doing so, they will sow the seeds of a real third party movement that will fully divide the Republican Party,” he added.

He also insists, (despite the polls), that Republicans are winning!

I’m torn on the idea of the Republican Party splitting in two – mainly because the Tea Party has already taken over, and deep down Republicans (95% of them) actually agree with the Tea Party agenda.  Jason wrote a post the other day, in which he said, “I don’t use “Tea Party” any more because the fact is the Republican Party is staffed and run by members of what was once called the Tea Party.”

Jason’s correct.  Go ahead and try to put today’s Republican politicians into column A (RINOs) and column B (Tea Partiers).  You won’t end up with a balanced list.  Column A is pretty empty.

So… I’m having trouble seeing a split.  What I am seeing is more primary challengers from the right, because the truth is, the Tea Party has already taken over the Republican Party.  Seriously, how can you have a divorce if their are no assets (human, in this case) to split?

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