Former NJ reporter Ginger Gibson was on Reliable Sources on Sunday speaking to their stand in media critic (Frank Senso), who asked her what she did with the factchecking that gets produced by the various organizations doing this. She told him she ignored it, and we’re off to the races:
She’s asked what she would do with a fact check that says that someone in one of her stories is shown to have been wrong and she says — mostly nothing. Which I get, I suppose — the fact check is after her reporting and few (if any) news organizations will go back to talk about who gave them faulty information. You can hear her hide the business of wrong information in the category of “political fighting” — which is pretty sad when you learn that there really are no death panels and leave that bad information out there until you can point to fact-checking next time you hear the claim. This isn’t as bad as Chuck Todd’s claim that pointing out lies is not his job. But it is still more reason – directly from one of its practitioners – to distrust what the media serves up.