Their Tears are Delicious.

Filed in National by on October 16, 2013

Rush Limbaugh is more unhinged then normal:

“I was trying to think if ever in my life, I could remember any major political party being so irrelevant. I have never seen it. I have never seen a major political party simply occupy placeholders, as the Republican party has been doing. There has not been any serious opposition…against what’s happening in this country. The Republicans have done everything they can to try to make everyone like them and what they’ve ended up doing is creating one of the greatest political disasters I’ve ever seen in my lifetime…I was pondering if I could ever remember…a time when a political party just made a decision not to exist, for all intents and purposes.”

And then we have this from Fox News in an interview with Real World alumni and teabagger Sean Duffy, who inexplicably is a member of Congress:

Fox Reporter: We have reached a deal. We are expected to hear about it any moment now. Here are the details of the plan as we hear it; a Continuing Resolution through January 15th, a debt ceiling increase through February 7th. It will require income verification for those who receive subsidies on the insurance exchanges in Obamacare. That’s a small bone thrown to Republicans, not nearly enough to satisfy them. That perhaps helps a little bit. It will also create this bipartisan budget committee from both houses to report by mid-December. So if it is a done deal it moves to the house. Let’s listen in to what Representative Sean Duffy was talking about in the House’s perspective on all of this earlier today.

Rep Sean Duffy(R-WI): The reports we are hearing is it could be in the next half an hour or hour that’s announced. I am sure it will pass the Senate. And they will kick that over to the House. We are going to get jammed.

Fox Reporter: “We are going to get jammed.” Those were his closing words. That is a legislative parlance you might say for House Republicans, Conservative House Republicans having to swallow a very bitter pill. The reality is they simply do not have the votes to top it at this point.

Speaker Boehner:

If by forcing this law on the American people you mean running on it in 2008 and winning in a landslide, properly passing that law through both Houses of Congress and having it signed by the President, having the law legally challenged in Federal District Courts across the land, requiring various Circuit Courts to rule on it, and then requiring the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on its constitutionality, which it did, finding the law constitutional, and then having the law being a central issue in the 2012 election where one candidate ran explicitly on repealing it, while the President ran on implementing it, and having the result be a comfortable if not decisive and easy reelection of the President. If Boehner really believes the ACA is being improperly forced on the American people, then he is admitting that he abhors democracy and is in fact a tyrant desiring a dictatorship of the minority. Go smoke a cig John and hop in a tanning bed, you impudent wrench.

Rob Dreher of the American Conservative has had it with his party:

I cannot believe I’m saying this, but I hope the House flips to the Democrats in 2014, so we can be rid of these nuts. Let Ted Cruz sit in the Senate stewing in his precious bodily fluids, and let Washington get back to the business of governing.

Daniel Larison, also of the American Conservative, agrees:

After watching the display of the last few weeks, it is hard to argue that Republicans should have control over any part of the government. It is even harder to believe that they should increase what control they have.

Erick Erickson is having none of it though:

House Republicans have signaled they are giving up.

They’ll merge their ideas with Mitch McConnell’s ideas. The result will be a funded government, raised debt ceiling, and nothing done with Obamacare….
[T]he GOP intends to fully fund Obamacare and let Barack Obama have all the power to exempt his friends and delay portions for patrons of his campaign.

So I intend to fully fund Heritage Action for America and the Senate Conservatives Fund. The latest Pew poll shows that more Americans want their own member of Congress thrown out of office than at any time in recent memory….

We only need a few good small businessmen and women to stand up and challenge these Republicans who are caving. If they refuse to fight for us, we must fight them. It is the only way we will finally be able to fight against Obamacare.

I am tired of funding Republicans who campaign against Obamacare then refuse to fight. It’s time to find a new batch of Republicans to actually practice what the current crop preaches.

Yes! Defund Boehnercare, and Preibuscare, and McConnellcare! But really Erik, go the full Monty here. You are wasting your talents. You could be instead the first Chairman of the Tea Party, a real third party in this country. Do it!

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  1. Dominique says:

    It’s not surprising that Sean Duffy is a member of Congress; he’s clean, articulate, and handsome. IIRC, that’s all it takes to be elected president.

    CORRECTION: Obama is ‘well-spoken’. Lest that cute little Geeze point out my very obvious racism for accusing him of being articulate.

  2. anon says:

    From HuffPo, about Cowboy Ted and Mormon Mike: “I don’t know. You’ll have to interview them,” McCain said. “I’m sure they’re always happy to be interviewed.”

    I love how McCain simply can’t control how much he hates the Tea Party.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Feisty “Get Off My Lawn” McCain is sometimes enjoyable.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    John McCain to NBCNews “We (GOP) inflicted pain on the American people that was totally unnecessary and we cannot do this again.”

    Damn straight. And if you do it again, we will again destroy you.

  5. puck says:

    ““I’m sure they’re always happy to be interviewed.” … said the most frequent Sunday morning talk show guest.

  6. luke says:

    Its amazing how liberals think that more massive debt for our nation is a good thing…(cue blame Bush card)….and the disgusting thing is that if the shoe was on the other foot, you’d hear cries of racism, discrimination, riots, lawsuits, and all kinds of ridiculousness. Since its not, it seems like liberals think these decisions won’t really effect peoples lives simply because said decisions don’t personally impact said liberal…our forefathers weep from their graves today.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    Sigh. Yet another conservative know nothing in Luke. The facts are the debt ceiling being raised does not incur more debt, but rather helps pay for the spending already approved of in prior budgets. And under those budgets over the last four years, the budget deficit has been cut in half. Therefore, the facts are, the deficit is dropping, and thus our debt will drop as a result.

    Luke, do me a favor. Next time you are out at a restaurant, please order a wonderful meal. Eat it. Drink some wine. And when the bill comes, refuse to pay it.

    That is what you are arguing for.

    The next time your mortgage bill comes in the mail. Refuse to pay it in standing for the principle of not incurring more debt.

    See what happens.

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    And Luke, since it appears that you are not for raising the debt ceiling, I assume you are in favor of denying social security checks to all Seniors on the program. I assume you want our veterans not to receive their benefits. I assume you want our soldiers and police officers and first responders to not be paid.

  9. Jason330 says:

    “Its amazing how liberals think that more massive debt for our nation is a good thing”.

    This is a chestnut that you hear all of the time, as if debt itself is a bad thing. ( As if these idiots paid cash for thier houses or for thier college educations. Strike that… For their Ford F150 trucks. )

    I know the conservative brain cant fathom nuance, butbtry and wrap yournhead around this: Debt is a tool. A country can use it well or it can use it poorly.

  10. V says:

    I’m just going to leave this here.

  11. Dave says:

    Does luke really not comprehend that the debt limit is the amount of money that the United States government is authorized to borrow to meet its existing legal obligations? Does anyone not know that?

    Here luke, some light reading for you. Don’t worry there won’t be a test, so it’s ok to just skim, for your own sake and information, at least scan the information.

    I am so tired of those who are intentionally ignorant.