Friday Daily Delawhere [10.18.13]

Filed in Delaware by on October 18, 2013

Dune Grass, Bokeh Sun

Fenwick Island Sunrise, by wmpfireball on Flickr.

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  1. Rusty Dils says:

    More on the “sweet” piece of legislation nicknamed Obama Care.
    Today it is being announced that only 20,000 people have actually been able to enroll in Obama Care during the first 2.5 weeks. That is an average of about 8,000 per week. Now lets do some cost analysis. You get to sign up for 26 weeks. So, at 8000 per week, during the first year a total of 208,000 people will enroll at current pace.
    Now the website cost 635 million to build. So, if you divide 635,000,000, by 208,000, you get a cost per individual enrollment of $3052.00 per person, just for the cost of the website.

    And liberals wonder why the republicans have to be the adults in the room and try and cut off liberal allowances. Liberals should not have ditched all their math classes.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Not to mention all the death panels…Right? Oh well, It will have to do until President H. Clinton brings in universal health care — in the form of single-payer, or a National Health system.

  3. Jason330 says:

    BTW Dils – Keep trashing the law and trying to defund it.

    The GOP-led federal government shutdown over Obamacare has dramatically backfired on Republicans. Nearly two-thirds of active voters, the largest share yet, support the health insurance reform law and want it to work, new nationwide polling has found.

    Teabags have turned out to be great for the ACA’s public relations.

  4. Tom McKenney says:

    Adults??? Shut down the government to save money while costing billions more