Michael Newbold Castle Trail Opens at the C&D Canal

Filed in National by on October 18, 2013

St. Georges – Former Delaware Governor and United States Congressman Michael Castle was the honored guest today as Governor Jack A. Markell joined U.S. Senator Chris Coons, U.S. Congressman John Carney, Deputy Secretary Nicole Majeski, Department of Transportation (DelDOT), and Secretary Collin O’Mara, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) in cutting the ribbon on the new Michael N. Castle Trail on the north bank of the C&D Canal.

“I would encourage Delawareans to enjoy the trail, traveling from east to west. Traveling from west to east is also a fine choice that should not be discounted. Of course, I would not discourage anyone from just standing on the trail either.” remarked Castle.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Nuttingham says:

    The trail runs under the Senator Roth bridge. They may not hold many offices, but Delaware Republicans have a lock on great monuments.

  2. SussexWatcher says:

    The Dems need parity. Route 1 between Lewes and Rehoboth ought to be named the Minner Expressway.

  3. puck says:

    I plan to start in the center of the trail, and then turn right.

  4. Nuttingham says:

    SW – I think she has a wing of the Milford library.

  5. Jason330 says:

    @puck …if Tom DeLay says its okay.