Delaware Liberal

Tuesday Open Thread [10.29.13]

So last night I attended the Delaware Democratic Party’s annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. My thoughts:

1) Dem Party Chair John Daniello really hates the 21st Century. He hates the blogs. He hates social media. The venom that dripped off the word “blogs” as he said it was amazing. I looked across my table to a particular State Representative as he said and said “Boy does he hate me.” The Representative laughed. The point Daniello was making was that the people in that room are what is important, not blogs and Facebook or Twitter. I wonder if Daniello realized just how many bloggers and former bloggers and users of Twitter and Social Media were in that room.

2) Senator Carper needs to stop drinking caffeine around noon or so. The man spoke at warp speed and wandered around the stage with a microphone in his hand making jokes like he was Robin Williams. Too bad he wasn’t as funny as Robin Williams. Also, Tom, for the love of God, it is the DemocratIC Party. I know you just love love love your Republican friends (or should I say Republic friends), but you have been talking like them for far too long.

3) Senator Coons is excited for 2014. He is also on the Budget Conference Committee. Senator, if you want 2014 to turn out well and be exciting, the last thing you should do is cut in any way Social Security or Medicare. If you do, we Dems will stay home, and deliver another 60 seats to the GOP majority. And this time, I really don’t care if Christine O’Donnell beats you. Really, how much worse can Christine be in the Senate as compared to Ted Cruz?

4) Paul Begala does a great Bill Clinton impression. And he gave a good speech, though he said Ken Cuccinelli, the Republican candidate for Governor in Virginia that is about to lose pretty badly, is a good guy. Delaware Democrats and national Clintonista Democrats need to get away from saying Republicans like Cuccinelli are good guys who we just disagree with. If the disagreement was about tax issues, or economic policy, or even foreign policy, I suppose I could live with it. But not on matters of healthcare, personal and reproductive freedom, rape, women’s healthcare, marriage equality, discrimination, equal rights for gays and lesbians and transgender, etc. You are not a good person if you don’t want people to have access to affordable healthcare. You are not a good person if you approve of discrimination. And I could go on…

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