Saturday Daily Delaware [11.2.13]

Filed in Delaware by on November 2, 2013

Fall in Delaware

Another Fall in Delaware shot from Sabian Maggy on Flickr.

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  1. Rusty Dils says:

    More top democrats discuss the ability to keep your health care plan under obama care

    check this out

  2. Liberal Elite says:

    Uhhh… Rusty. Those plans were cancelled by PRIVATE insurance companies. They could have continued plans using the grandfather clause in the ACA, but THEY chose not to.

    What world would you like? Would you like Obama to have the power to prevent such cancellations? No?? Then what exactly are you whining about?

  3. Frank says:

    Returning to the topic of fall colors and ignoring Republican lies about the ACA, here in Virginia Beach, not 200 miles south of Delaware, the temperatures were in the 70s today (in bleeping November, for Pete’s sake) and the trees are just starting to turn.

    When I was growing up in these parts, I would have been wearing winter coats by now. My neighbors are still wearing shorts.

    But of course the climate is not changing. Golly gosh gee Batman couldn’t be.

  4. Dave says:

    Rusty, each state issued it’s own regulation regarding existing policies. Virginia for example (a Republican state – for the moment) required insurance companies to cancel non-conforming policies and start from scratch, rather than revising the policies. Why did they do this? You’ll have to ask Virginia but it was not a requirement under ACA to do so.

    Someday, you might gain enough curiosity to examine all the facts before formulating an opinion. Until then, when the need arises and I have the time, I’ll do it for you.