Delaware Liberal

Open Letter to John Carney

Representative Carney,

Your Democratic colleagues in the House are supporting an effort to expand Social Security benefits. I think it is time for you to break with the right-wing policies you’ve supported in the past and join your fellow Democrats in helping restore sanity to the debate over this vital social insurance program that has done so much to allow our nation’s elderly to live in dignity.

At a time when the 401k system has been proven to be a failed experiment, based on legalized theft, it is not time to cut social security benefits. Rather, it is a time to ensure Social Security’s long-term solvency by “scraping the cap” and stop excluding income over $113,700 from the social security tax.

The current proposal, supported by your Democratic colleagues, would phase out that cap, so that millionaires like you, Chris Coons and Tom Carper would pay into Social Security throughout the year like the rest of us.

Now, I know you and your staff hate me. So imagine that this letter is coming from someone you don’t hate. (Frankly, I think it is time for Shelia Grant to put that pettiness aside, but that is a topic for another letter.)

Anyway, think about it. The Overton Window on Social Security is ready to move back to the middle, and it is well past time for you to establish some Democratic credibility as the sole representative in the House of a very Demcoratic state.



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