Delaware Liberal

John Carney, Your teletownhall last night was bullshit

I got some shit for calling Carney a millionaire. Maybe it is technically true that his net worth isn’t a million today, but it will be tomorrow or next week sometime. It is simply inevitable.

What isn’t inevitable is that he become a Tom Carper clone in the house. He represents a solidly blue state and actually seems to have some decency and empathy that Tom Caper is wholly lacking. It is not a given that he have a mediocre career in Congress chasing the affection of fifty or so Klansmen in western Sussex county. He has the rough material to be a able representative for the bulk of the people of Delaware in congress, but he didn’t show off any of it last night during his tele-town hall meeting.

Instead of hearing unapologetic view of why jobs growth should be the first priority of congress, the listeners were treated to a rambling apologies about how it sure would be nice to work on jobs, but for that dang ‘ol national debt we need to take care of. WTF, John? Can the notion that our problems are a result of a debt crisis be any more debunked? Sure, your Klansmen who can’t break away from Fox News for ten minutes think it is an issue, but you are a Congressman. You are privy to actual facts compiled by actual economist. You don’t need to echo your callers ignorance back at them. Don’t you see the need to show some leadership as even a tiny little part of your job?

It is just frustrating. There is no reason Delaware should be represented by a coward in congress.

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