Tuesday Daily Delawhere [11.19.13]

Filed in Delaware by on November 19, 2013


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  1. anon says:

    After several hours of online research, I’m fairly sure that is another picture of trees changing color.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Ouch. The natives are restless. LOL. I think there is one more tomorrow and then I will have some downstate pics.

  3. anon says:

    Downstate pics of trees changing colors?

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    I’m guessing that this is the sheer rocks at the edge of the Brandywine between Rockford Park and the DuPont Labs

  5. Sarah says:

    Alapocus Park!

  6. jim center says:

    Beat me to it DG! I used to walk along the old railroad tracks and remember those cliffs quite well.
    Anyone remember, as I do, a train running on those tracks?
    I used to work at the Ex Station right along the water, last train I saw must have been early 1973.

  7. jim center says:

    I was also down by the river, working a midnight shift during: The largest recorded event in Delaware occurred in 1973 and had an estimated magnitude of 3.8.
    I thought the unit I was working had exploded. The noise and the shaking were intense!