Delaware Liberal

WHYY’s Mark Eichmann – an idiot, or just playing one on TV?

Sorry Mark. I only know you through your work and if this interview with so-called “Doctor” John Stapleford is any indication – you are a stone cold idiot. You need to do better or quit TV.

You prepped for what two maybe three minutes? (Not that Shirley Min was any better.) Neither of you were able to identify Stanford as a mouthpiece of the Koch brother’s State Policy Network. Mainly because you were both too busy lobbing softballs at the guy and nodding furiously when Stapleford trotted out his magic elixir (tax cuts – big surprise).

Honestly, how did you restrain yourself from giving Stapey a back-rub? Watch the tape again yourself and admit that it is a bewildering few minutes? It looks like a news show, but sounds like something produced by CRI. Was it? I watched it online, so I don’t know if CRI paid for this time like an infomercial in which case your lackluster interview is somewhat excusable.

If that’s the case, if Stapes is playing Ron Popeil here – you are off the hook. You played the part of the clueless infomercial rube to perfection.

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