Archive for November, 2013

The GOP Circular Firing Squad, Part 7,045

Filed in National by on November 8, 2013 5 Comments

Now it’s Steve LaTourette — GOP Congresman from Ohio — who is taking his turn at the guns. He’s part of the Mainstreet Advocacy group, which is a Republican PAC looking to push back on the Teajhadis and to get more moderate GOP candidates elected. Their announcement card specifically pushes back on Club for Growth, FreedomWorks and the Tea Party:

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So, Where Was The Republican Outrage On Insurance Ethics Pre-Obamacare?

Filed in National by on November 8, 2013 13 Comments
So, Where Was The Republican Outrage On Insurance Ethics Pre-Obamacare?

Upfront, let me tell you I was hugely disappointed when the public option and/or single payer got shelved in the formation of Obamacare. And as one in the health care industry I was amazed that candidate Obama was willing to trust the health insurance industry to do the right thing for a revamped health insurance public policy, having seen them in action up close and professionally.

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Friday Open Thread [11.8.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on November 8, 2013 9 Comments
Friday Open Thread [11.8.13]

Kavips or Kilroy, I can’t remember which, said recently that we were still obsessed with George W. Bush. I think it was said in jest, but still. I racked my brain to think of any posts that concentrated on the former disasterous President. I came up with nothing. If anything, we are preoccupied with the current Republican Party and its horrible members. So here is a GWB item, so we can live up to the Kavipsian or Kilroyian characterization. And its a doozy. It would seem that the former President has an interesting speaking engagement on his calendar:

Next week, former President George W. Bush is scheduled to keynote a fundraiser in Irving, Texas, for the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute, a group that trains people in the United States, Israel, and around the world to convince Jews to accept Jesus as the Messiah. The organization’s goal: to “restore” Israel and the Jews and bring about about the second coming of Christ.

So W is now a “Jew for Jesus?” And he is not just speaking….

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Open Letter to John Carney

Filed in National by on November 8, 2013 14 Comments
Open Letter to John Carney

Representative Carney,

Your Democratic colleagues in the House are supporting an effort to expand Social Security benefits. I think it is time for you to break with the right-wing policies you’ve supported in the past and join your fellow Democrats in helping restore sanity to the debate over this vital social insurance program that has done so much to allow our nation’s elderly to live in dignity.

At a time when the 401k system has been proven to be a failed experiment, based on legalized theft, it is not time to cut social security benefits. Rather, it is a time to ensure Social Security’s long-term solvency by “scraping the cap” and stop excluding income over $113,700 from the social security tax.

The current proposal, supported by your Democratic colleagues, would […]

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Coolest Thing I’ve Seen & Heard All Week

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 8, 2013 3 Comments

Always been a huge Springsteen fan even though his more recent albums have left me unenthused. But here’s why I love him. He’s on a European tour and…well, let’s just let Bruce tell it: Finally, after being pursued from city to city (to city to city) by a man with a sign and a one […]

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Friday Daily Delawhere [11.8.13]

Filed in Delaware by on November 8, 2013 0 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [11.8.13]

Winterthur Exterior, from ‘Was Thursday’ on Flickr.

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The Whig Party is Back!

Filed in National by on November 7, 2013 11 Comments
The Whig Party is Back!

Pennsylvania, in a particularly unwise practice, elects their judges. On Tuesday, one of the winngers was not a Democrat or a Republican. He was a Whig.

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Thursday Open Thread [11.7.13]

Filed in National by on November 7, 2013 9 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [11.7.13]

Hey, the economy was doing pretty good until the Republicans decided to throw a temper tantrum. From the Huffington Post.

The U.S. economy expanded at a 2.8 percent annual rate from July through September, a surprising sign of strength ahead of the 16-day partial government shutdown. Exports rose, businesses stocked up, home construction increased and state and local governments spent at the fastest pace in four years. […] The third-quarter outcome was nearly a full percentage point stronger than most economists had predicted. Analysts expect the shutdown will slow growth in the October-December quarter.

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We Are Becoming (Have Become?) A Nation Of Cowards, Bedwetters And Murderers

Filed in National by on November 7, 2013 17 Comments
We Are Becoming (Have Become?) A Nation Of Cowards, Bedwetters And Murderers

These situations are becoming far too familiar.  A 19 year old, black woman got into a car accident.  Her cell phone was dead so she went to a nearby house and… The unnamed person who answered the door didn’t offer to help the stranded teen out, instead the Dearborn Heights resident fatally shot McBride in […]

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Who would I pick to be the GOP nominee, Christie or Cruz?

Filed in National by on November 7, 2013 6 Comments
Who would I pick to be the GOP nominee, Christie or Cruz?

It isn’t such a slam dunk. On the one had Cruz is an easy pick, because he’d be oh so easy to beat in a national election. On the other hand I’d like to see some semblance of sanity return the the GOP, and picking Christie would be a nod in the direction of reality. Also, Christie would keep Cruz from even the possibility of becoming President. That issue looms large for me because flukey stuff can happen down the stretch and BAM! – you are looking at President Cruz.

As bad as Christie would be, the idea of President Cruz should make ever patriotic American break into a cold sweat.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [11.7.13]

Filed in Delaware by on November 7, 2013 1 Comment
Thursday Daily Delawhere [11.7.13]

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Beau Biden’s stroke far more serious than reported

Filed in National by on November 6, 2013 28 Comments
Beau Biden’s stroke far more serious than reported

While the possible switch from Joe to Hillary sucked all of the oxygen out of the room, this Beau Biden item in the recent Halperin book flew under the radar.

Halperin and Heilemann offer behind-the-scenes details about the campaign and other revelations. They say, for example, that the 2010 stroke suffered by Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, the vice president’s son, was more serious than reported and that he suffered months of paralysis.

“The stroke was publicly described as minor, but in fact was life-threatening,” Halperin and Heilemann wrote. “There were initial questions about how full his recovery would be. (He suffered paralysis for months.)”

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The 62 Project: #’s 26 and 36

Filed in Delaware by on November 6, 2013 5 Comments
The 62 Project: #’s 26 and 36

We have the Representatives Short up today. Bryon the the North. Daniel to the South. One is the House Minority Leader. And one is a Democrat in the Brandywine Hundred.

Bryon Short combines some of the best and some of the most disappointing elements that I look for in a D legislator in a safe district. He is not just good, but great, on social issues. Not just a reliable supporter of equal rights for all, but a prime House sponsor on legislation ensuring rights for the transgender community.  He has successfully sponsored legislation extending health benefits to dependent children.  He is also a strong supporter of gun control, is someone who pays attention to his district, basically someone who you’d like as your rep. He’s even successfully pushed legislation on behalf of animal rights. How can you not like someone who will protect your puppies?

The problem, and it’s a big one, is that he is in thrall to the Carper/Carney wing of the Party. And business interests uber alles.

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