Saturday Open Thread [12.7.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on December 7, 2013

Happy Delaware Day. December 7 also has the unhappy coincidence of being the 72nd anniversary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Please keep our World War II Veterans in your thoughts today as well.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    I hope this actually gets done — Satanists take steps to get their own monument in Oklahoma’s Monument Park, where they posted a 10 Commandments sculpture.

    You are for religious diversity or your are full of it.

  2. Recovering Idealist says:

    Delaware State of Mind

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    I LOVE Delaware Day!! My sister-in-law was born on this day, and I always thought it was so neat, she was not only born on Delaware Day, but came home in a huge Christmas stocking the nursery nurses put all the December babies in that year. And I lived during the time when every school kid knew “Oh Our Delaware” as part of the patriotic repetoire every schoolkid knew then–like Grand Ol’ Flag, Battle Hymn of the Republic, America the Beautiful, and yes…the Star-Spangled Banner. I just loved all those elementary school teachers and those terrific, inspirational, and invigorating opening morning excercises that set the pace for the day–whether singing My Country Tis of Thee, or Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. But I always knew on Delaware Day we would gather in the cafeteri(orium) for a little assembly, sing the song and review some facts and people that gave us this state.
    Now I guess it’s the History Channel.

    On the other note, when Pearl Harbor was attacked my father was living in Washington DC. He was playing up in the attic with his little neighbor friend Billy Marriott. Of course, upon hearing the news the boys scrambled to hear more and parted ways. And of course, that also provided unimaginable, multi-dimensional timelines for the History Channel too. 🙂

  4. jason330 says:

    Thanks for the link Recovering Idealist. They did a nice job with that.

    “Thirty-five wide by ninety-six long.”

    35 x 96 = First