Delaware Liberal

Saturday Open Thread [12.14.13]

One year ago today, 26 children and their teachers were gunned down in their school in Newton, CT. There are quiet memorials going on all over the country — the most important one probably being remembering to hug your kids tight today. Especially since there have been 20 school shootings in the US since Newtown and it is apparent that we (not sure if that includes the shooting in Colorado yesterday — two kids wounded and the shooter killed himself), as a nation, are just fine with the fact that our kids may not return after a school day because of more gun violence. I hope everyone is thinking about all of the families whose children did not get a chance to grow up today.

The Washington Post has a story showing that while we all remember Newtown, there were 71 young children who were gunned down in 2012.

And since this is a political blog, take a look at this:

The number of death due to guns since Newtown is difficult to pinpoint, but using Slate’s @GunDeaths project, they count 11,487 deaths. For the money that the NRA spent buying these votes, that works out to about $711 paid to Senators per death. I’d love to see someone actually ask one of them is they think this is a good price for helping to maintain a violent society.

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