“Liz Cheney’s husband has been registered to vote in both Virginia and Wyoming for the past nine months, even though he signed a document in Wyoming saying he was not registered elsewhere,” Politico reports. You know, this is voter fraud, and thus, according to Republicans’ own rhetoric, Liz Cheney’s husband must be jailed. Republicans cry all the time about voter fraud, while being the only ones caught committing it. And if the voter fraud is not enough to jail him, then certainly the perjury under oath is.
Best Wins of 2013…
Once again, it seems our oh so Constitutional Conservatives need a lesson on what the First Amendment does and does not protect. For the idiots out there who like to claim they love the Constitution but have no understanding of what is in it since they are dumb as rocks, here is a quick refresher course:
The First Amendment.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Quick quiz. Who is prohibited from taking action that abridges the freedom of speech?
Is it is me, Delaware Dem?
Is it a television network?
Is it all private persons?
Does the Amendment say that a citizen of the United States is allowed to say whatever he wants whenever he wants where ever he wants and then suffer absolutely no consequences for said speech?
It only says that Congress, meaning thus the Federal Government (and State and local Governments through the application of the 14th Amendment), is prohibited from passing laws the punish free speech.
Your private employer can punish you all he or it wants.
Yes, you can be fired for expressing your opinions.
And it is all perfectly constitutional.
What prompted this rant/civics lesson? GQ magazine released an interview with Phil Robertson, star of A&E’s hit TV show Duck Dynasty, where the 67-year-old Louisiana duck hunter made vile homophobic comments in which he compared homosexuality to bestiality, terrorism, and pedophilia. He also expounded about race, claiming that black people were oh-so-happy picking cotton in the Jim Crow era. As a result of these comments, A&E placed the Robertson on indefinite hiatus.
The right wing is in full tantrum mode as a result, from the Westboro Baptist Church (the moral center of right wing politics) to Sarah Palin to Bobby Jindal to the National Organization for Marriage, they are all screaming about the First Amendment, revealing themselves to be complete and total idiots no smarter than a first grader who has learned about civics yet.