Archive for December, 2013

Amazon’s Charity Fundraiser/Gift Wrapping program is diabolical

Filed in National by on December 2, 2013 20 Comments
Amazon’s Charity Fundraiser/Gift Wrapping program is diabolical

I just heard about this happening at Amazon’s Middletown facility. Can anyone spot the problem?

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Looks like we have a candidate for Auditor. But what about Treasurer?

Filed in National by on December 2, 2013 12 Comments
Looks like we have a candidate for Auditor.   But what about Treasurer?

State Auditor Tom Wagner has been in office since 1988. He barely won reelection last time, in a year favoring Republicans (2010), against Richard Korn, a man that people were not rushing to vote for even before he was indicted on child pornography charges. A credible candidate beats him this time. Attorney Brenda Mayrack seems to have both the party backing, knowledge and auditing experience to be that credible candidate.

Now, as for the Treasurer. The oldest addage in politics is you can’t beat something with nothing, though the Republicans have really tried to test it out over the last five years. Right now, the conventional wisdom is Treasurer Flowers is in trouble and ripe for defeat at the hands of a GOP candidate. That has the Democratic establishment talking behind the scenes to Celia Cohen that they will be primarying Flowers with someone. But who?

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Monday Open Thread [12.2.13]

Filed in National by on December 2, 2013 5 Comments
Monday Open Thread [12.2.13]

Did you hear that Rosa Parks, all the way back in the 1950’s, ended racism? Yes, there has not been any racism in the United States for over over sixty years now. Amazing. No racism at all. Since there was no racism any more in 1968, it seems very silly that the GOP then devised the entire Southern Strategy to attract the votes of racists. I am amazed Nixon and then Reagan won at all, since obviously they attracted zero votes with that core campaign strategy, since there were no more racists or racism.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [12.2.13]

Filed in National by on December 2, 2013 0 Comments
Monday Daily Delawhere [12.2.13]

Sorry about our absence this past holiday weekend. We all spent time with our families, as I hope you did with yours. I also attended the Eagles game, which resulted in glorious victory! I will get an open thread up shortly and then we will be back to our normal schedule of posts.

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