Delaware Liberal

Be above average – support the Delaware Shakespeare Festival’s “I am Hamlet”


You’ve heard about this campaign, right?

The DSF is in the planning an exciting community-wide discussion of Shakespeare’s most famous play. We’re calling it the “I Am Hamlet” Project and it will lead up to our summer 2014 production of Hamlet.

From March to May, DSF will reach into the community to find what this play means to you, how it resonates with your life, what personal reflections it causes, etc. We’ll be doing this through a number of initiatives; Classroom Workshops, Retirement Home Visits, Essay Contest, YouTube Videos, Social Media Campaigns, Town Hall

They’ve applied for grants to help fund the project, but we need to raise matching funds to bring the “I Am Hamlet” Project to life. Surely, you can kick in a measly $10 or $20 bucks? (Right now the average donation is $39.17 – so all you have to do to be above average is give a measly $39.50)

Also – Full disclosure, I am on the board so I can assure you that your money will not be blown on booze or prostitutes like it was when you donated to the DNC.

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