Delaware Liberal

Carper, Coons and Carney vote for Trans Pacific Partnership because NAFTA really didn’t eff things up enough

Our congressional delegation just voted to give President Obama “fast track trade authority” on enacting the TPP, thereby denying Congress the right to debate or amend the pending trade agreement.

Just as NAFTA was rushed through Congress 20 years ago resulting in the loss of 700,000 manufacturing jobs to Mexico, the TPP has been fast-tracked by Democrats because… ? They need the big campaign donations, I guess. NAFTA didn’t eff things up enough? I don’t know.

Actually, the vote hasn’t happened yet – but let’s face it, Carper, Carney and Coons are going to vote for it. I’d say we should call them or something, but what is the point? This helps multi-national corporations find cheaper labor, so how the hell do you think they are going to vote?

We’re screwed and these guys will all sail to re-election.

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