Archive for January, 2014

Friday Daily Delawhere [1.3.14]

Filed in Delaware by on January 3, 2014 13 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [1.3.14]

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ObamaCare A Qualified Success

Filed in National by on January 2, 2014 46 Comments
ObamaCare A Qualified Success

We’re 90 days past Sebelius’s near catastrophic launch. In spite of amazing roadblocks, Republican resistance and sabotage, Republican governor’s further undermining a key element to serve the health needs of our poorest citizens, and what our President had the honesty to characterize as “self inflicted wounds”, We’ve got a success here.

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Thursday Open Thread [1.2.14]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 2, 2014 5 Comments

This is interesting and presents a possible paradox of conservative ideology that will destroy it once and for all. From Haaretz:

“Israel will pay for abortions for women aged 20 to 33 regardless of circumstance starting next year, health officials said Monday, adding that they hope to make eligibilty for state funding universal in the future.”

Conservatives, especially the theocons and neocons, place utmost importance on Israel. For the theocons, the reason is obvious, it is the Holy Land. For the neocons, it is the protection of Israel is almost the sole purpose of the existence of the United States. The conservative Likkud government of Israel is now going to provide not only free abortions, but they are going to do it through evil socialist universal healthcare.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [1.2.14]

Filed in Delaware by on January 2, 2014 2 Comments
Thursday Daily Delawhere [1.2.14]

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New Years Day Open Thread [1.1.14]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 1, 2014 0 Comments
New Years Day Open Thread [1.1.14]

Happy New Year to all. A new year, new hopes, new opportunities. But right now, we have the same old politics, which are hopefully changing for the better. Paul Krugman on whether our fiscal politics are changing:

The intransigence of the right wasn’t the only disease troubling America’s body politic in 2012. We were also suffering from fiscal fever: the insistence by virtually the entire political and media establishment that budget deficits were our most important and urgent economic problem, even though the federal government could borrow at incredibly low interest rates. Instead of talking about mass unemployment and soaring inequality, Washington was almost exclusively focused on the alleged need to slash spending (which would worsen the jobs crisis) and hack away at the social safety net (which would worsen inequality).

So the good news is that this fever, unlike the fever of the Tea Party, has finally broken.

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Carney The Craven

Filed in Delaware by on January 1, 2014 28 Comments
Carney The Craven

Our congressman, you know, the one who refused to push for Congress to stay in session until benefits to the long-term unemployed were restored, nevertheless found the time to send out this e-mail, presumably from the comforts of his home, which I received at 5:21 pm on New Year’s Eve: Friends, Over the past year, […]

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News Years Day Daily Delawhere [1.1.14]

Filed in National by on January 1, 2014 1 Comment
News Years Day Daily Delawhere [1.1.14]

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