Archive for January, 2014

Tuesday Open Thread [1.7.14]

Filed in National by on January 7, 2014 12 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [1.7.14]

Francine Kiefer quotes congressional historian Julian Zelizer of Princeton University in her column “Democrats to push income inequality as top issue of 2014. Winning tactic?”:

“A lot of Democrats feel the last two years have been consumed with health care … and the deficit,” he explains. “Until you shift the debate, you’re not going to be able to get in a position where you can push for legislation like the [higher] minimum wage. And this is the right time because the Republicans are in a moment of division” over whether to obstruct or to compromise.

Well, it looks like the Democrats have already been successful in shifting the debate. How do we know that? Because now Republicans are talking about income inequality.

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Closing Schools for Cold: The Debate

Filed in National by on January 7, 2014 48 Comments
Closing Schools for Cold: The Debate

Several school districts in Delaware are closed today for the bitter cold. I personally disagreed with this decision. Until I read the former Rsmitty’s post on Facebook about it, which I am republishing here….

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [1.7.14]

Filed in National by on January 7, 2014 0 Comments
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [1.7.14]

From the Flying Inn on Flickr. This is the UD Gates in Newark near Amy DuPont.

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Monday Open Thread [1.6.14]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 6, 2014 6 Comments
Monday Open Thread [1.6.14]

Harry Reid was on Face the Nation yesterday and he is not ruling out eliminating filibusters:

BOB SCHIEFFER: Well, let me just ask you this: I mean listening to you this morning if the Republicans continue to throw up the kind of opposition you’ve been receiving, you say you’ve been receiving, do you have plans to extend this ban on filibusters? Right now you’ve– you’ve worked out this rule which they vehemently oppose that– so they– it’s very difficult for him to filibuster nominations. Would you be willing to just go to a Senate where just majority rules and that’s it?

SENATOR HARRY REID: Well, Bob, I think it’s something that we have to understand.

BOB SCHIEFFER: So you’re thinking about that?

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Health Insurance Cannot Be A La Carte

Filed in National by on January 6, 2014 18 Comments
Health Insurance Cannot Be A La Carte

Health insurance only works if it covers your health care needs and mine.  It only works if the pool is big enough.  It really isn’t a case of priorities, because, if it were, then that numbers game would result in orphan diseases (very rare diseases that only affect a few) not being covered.

And, I sincerely doubt that those advocating for not covering birth control and maternity coverage would be fighting against coverage for Adrenoleukodystrophy and Landau Kleffner syndrome – let alone Viagra.  Know why?  Because the debate now raging isn’t about the ACA.  It’s, once again, about women and sex.  It’s just another branch of the war against women, and the men who love them.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [1.6.14]

Filed in National by on January 6, 2014 0 Comments
Monday Daily Delawhere [1.6.14]

From Bill Adams on Flickr. This is a picture of steam rising off the frigid Nanticoke River in Woodland on Saturday.

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Sunday Open Thread [1.5.14]

Filed in National by on January 5, 2014 7 Comments
Sunday Open Thread [1.5.14]

Oh, joy: Actor Steven Seagal has told a local Arizona television station that he is considering a run for governor.

“According to Seagal, the number one problem facing the U.S. is its open borders. He also came to the defense of Sheriff Arpaio, as well the prospect of extending amnesty to undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.”

Speaking of conservative sheriffs who run afoul of the law, I am told that twice-defeated-by-the-Courts Sussex County Sheriff Jeff Christopher was named Conservative Man of the Year by Delaware Politics. And that pretty much sums up the state of the Delaware Republican Party in this state.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [1.5.14]

Filed in Delaware by on January 5, 2014 0 Comments
Sunday Daily Delawhere [1.5.14]

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Finance Committee Hearing on the Bonds for the MBNA Charters on Monday

Filed in Delaware by on January 4, 2014 2 Comments
Finance Committee Hearing on the Bonds for the MBNA Charters on Monday

We talked about this here, when this item first came onto the City Council calendar. Monday — January 6, 2014 — at 5:00 is the Finance Committee hearing that will explore this proposal in some detail. You can see the agenda for the meeting here — this is the only item on the schedule. The meeting is open to the public, and is going to be held in the 1st Floor Council Workshop room (next to the Council Chambers) in the Redding Bldg. Pass this info along to anyone you think will be interested in what happens here.

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Saturday Open Thread [1.4.14]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 4, 2014 3 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [1.4.14]

Pope Francis has been in the business of afflicting the comfortable recently and one of the comfortable has issues — noting that the Pope doesn’t understand American rich people and that donations by rich American Catholics might now be at risk:

At issue is an effort to raise $180 million for the restoration of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York being spearheaded by billionaire Ken Langone, the investor known for founding Home Depot, among other things.

Langone told CNBC that one potential seven-figure donor is concerned about statements from the pope criticizing market economies as “exclusionary,” urging the rich to give more to the poor and criticizing a “culture of prosperity” that leads some to become “incapable of feeling compassion for the poor.”

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [1.4.13]

Filed in Delaware by on January 4, 2014 1 Comment
Saturday Daily Delawhere [1.4.13]

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Fire the owners and nationalize all sports! Full communism is the only solution to dumb owners

Filed in National by on January 3, 2014 10 Comments
Fire the owners and nationalize all sports! Full communism is the only solution to dumb owners

Perhaps Washington DC’s football fans will usher in a new golden age of socialism where Obama has failed? Maybe. It works in Green Bay. Anyway, even if big time sports aren’t nationalized, if there is such a thing as cosmic justice, Daniel Snyder will die penniless and alone.

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Matt Taibbi on the GOP’s new front in the war on the GOP

Filed in National by on January 3, 2014 4 Comments
Matt Taibbi on the GOP’s new front in the war on the GOP

Ostensibly, about the Republican Party quietly declaring war on itself, this Matt Taibbi piece in Rolling Stone does a great job explaining the origins and impact of GOP’s two decades of failed governance and dumbed-down politics.

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