Delaware Liberal

On this day the Tea Party stopped being an actual thing


The item below is a good news/bad news type deal for Democrats. The good news is that the Tea Party is completely defunct as a movement with the ability to wield any power. Except for some reality impaired dead-enders and their wealthy enablers, nobody is going to utter the words “Tea Party” as anything other than a punchline from now on. The bad news for Democrats is that the Tea Party is defunct. The “grassroots” movement that allowed Christine O’Donnell to challenge Michael Castle will not be around to run its reign of terror party purges in future elections.

The majority of them are fleas by now.

Which member of Congress is (probably) emailing other members crazy threats? BuzzFeed’s John Stanton reports that a number of House Republicans received emails — sent to their internal congressional email addresses, addresses that are extremely difficult to find for non-members — in which an anonymous person threatened to politically ruin members who vote to raise the debt limit. The author first sent the cryptic threats to Speaker John Boehner and Rep. James Lankford, and then forwarded the emails to other members. … Who could’ve sent these strange emails?

“It’s got to be another member. Probably one of the crazy ones,” said a Republican who had seen the email, which was sent from an anonymous email address,

One of the “crazy” Republicans? That narrows it down as much as if they had said, “Probably an overweight white guy”.

(Via Attaturk)

On the other hand…never mind(?). Has the Teabag virus so infected the GOP host that there is no frontal lobe activity left, and therefor you could say that the Tea Party is the GOP? One could make a case…

Priebus said Monday on MSNBC that the Monica Lewinsky scandal is fair game when it comes to evaluating Hillary Clinton’s potential presidential bid. “I think everything’s on the table,” Priebus told Andrea Mitchell.

That’s gonna do it. It worked so well last time out.

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