Acting DEGOP Chair, “Charlie” Copeland’s confused fundraiser
There is a lot of weirdness packed into Acting DEGOP Chair, Copeland’s fundraising appeal. Let’s unpack it, shall we?
Dear Fellow Republican,
This past week Joe Biden told his fellow tax. borrow and spend Democrats that, “There isn’t a Republican Party”. I need your help to prove him wrong!
That was February 14th. Way to jump on this hot news item, Charlie.
As a Delaware Republican, you’ve watched the strong arm tactics of the Biden family over the years, and the negative impact it’s had on our nation and our state.
He doesn’t say what strong arm tactics, so I guess this it just Biden hating for the sake of Biden hating. A little red meat for the downstate dummies who aren’t at the cocktail parties Charlie attends with the Bidens. Maybe the strong arm tactics he is talking about is the dastardly winning of the elections? I can see how Copeland would view the ability to win elections as some sort of mysterious black magic.
Obamacare, minimum wage increases, higher taxes, and the sad record of the Obama Administration on jobs….Joe Biden and the Democrats are simply on the wrong side of history and must be stopped before they can do any more damage.
More wing-nut word salad aimed at morons. Or Charlie and the DE GOP is for a lower minimum wage and lower taxes because…. Ronald Reagan!! Trickle down bitches!! It has worked so well for them. Please be for a lower minimum wage DEGOP. You’ll lock down both Koch brother’s votes. Two whole votes from people who don’t vote in Delaware, that’s a start.
Now is the time for our party to be unified and strong. We need to field creditable candidates in 2014 and rally behind them as they march to victory in November, but I can only do this with your help.
Okay downstate morons, you’ve received your pat on the head, now it is time to shut up and vote for the Vicmead set. Again, because that has such a great track record of success.
Please help me tell Joe Biden that he’s wrong! The Republican Party is strong, and ready to do battle in 2014.
On To Victory!
Charlie Copeland
Delaware Republican Party
Look at that! The republican Party is strong, because Charlie says so. He has even dropped the “Acting” from his title. I guess that’s a vote of confidence. I wonder if he slips the “acting” back in when he is at those Beau Biden fundraisers?
I predict that this fundraising appeal will yield a 6-figure return–if you count the two zeroes after the decimal point.
Not even a wave of the hand to the social conservatives? I guess this is progress.
“obamacare” and “…tax, borrow and spend Democrats” are the rune stones that are supposed to signal “we hate gays, women and Mexicans” to the downstate morons.
If Kovach is going to take one for the team, they can’t very well say, “we hate gays, women and Mexicans” as openly as they once did.
I don;t even get why Kovach still identifies as a Republican. Copeland, sure. He is a rat bastard. But Kovach has a little integrity.
If this were really aimed at downstate, he would have said “The Bidens want to take away your guns!”
This line…
I can see how Copeland would view the ability to win elections as some sort of mysterious black magic.
… had me laughing out loud in my office for the last 5 minutes.
He doesn’t even know his own base. The GOP considers Biden a buffoon.
A GOP so dead that it couldn’t even find a candidate against Beau in 2010 – and likely won’t find one this year.
You know, Copeland strikes me as a dilettante. He dabbles in stuff, but never follows through. Quit the Senate, runs a blog, holds a position in the Party, but never really does anything. It’s like he’s trying on clothes, but never finds what he wants.
I mean, a guy who opts to run for Lt. Governor as part of some perceived master plan, gets his chapeau handed to him, then disappears.
And that fundraising letter. So lacking in ambition that it’s the political fundraising equivalent of George wearing sweatpants on Seinfeld…a sign that he’s just given up.
…So lacking in ambition that it’s the political fundraising equivalent of George wearing sweatpants on Seinfeld…
In related news, according to Harper’s index: Percentage change in the past five years in the portion of Republicans who believe in evolution : –26
What is any rational thinking person doing still identifying as a Republican? I don’t get it.
Think that letter could have come from one of the GOP’s Scammiest Direct Mail outfits?
The whole thing is low rent enough to be the kind of thing that the local GOP might let someone else profit from.
Charlie is a good guy who actually runs a fairly successful business and donates a ton of money. VP Biden doesn’t donate much and hasn’t done much but collect a a pay check from tax payers for the last couple decades. It’s time for a change in this one party state. Our team has not done such a great job in the past ten or so years.
Charlie is a guy who was born into Delaware’s wealthiest industrial family/congolomo, saw his family get bailed out of financial ruin, precisely b/c of its connections, and who insists that others foot the bills for his luxurious lifestyle. He strikes me as without redeeming societal value, his great good fortune the result of being born into the elite.
Our team has not done such a great job in the past ten or so years.
You have a great grasp of the obvious. The reason has nothing to do with fund raising or election strategy, it is that the saner members have been driven out of the party.
If this was a direct copy and paste, then I am surprised a fundraising appeal went out that in my eyes seems to have grammatical errors.
This past week Joe Biden told his fellow tax. borrow and spend Democrats that, “There isn’t a Republican Party”. I need your help to prove him wrong!
Also, what does he mean by creditable?
“We need to field creditable candidates in 2014…”
worthy of credit or praise but credit or praise that is often limited
Example: That candidate was creditable; he came in second on the ballot!
Did he mean credible?
believable and probably true
Example: That candidate was credible; he raised over $5,000, canvassed a few times, and one of my neighbors has heard of him!
Did he mean incredible?
impossible to believe, extraordinary
Example: Christine O’Donnell said what?!?
I went back to the original email to double check. He wrote “creditable”
So that’s what a Tower Hill and Duke University education gets you.
Musta spent too much time in Krzyzewskiville. Which, when you’ll never have to work for a living, is where most well-to-do Dookies waste their college years.
Maybe he meant “they need to have good credit. This letter won’t raise enough to help them out financially, so they’ll have to charge their campaign.”
It could just be a nod to the credit card industry. This is Delaware.