Delaware Liberal

Friday Open Thread [3.14.14]

IOWA–PRESIDENT–Quinnipiac: Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton 48, Christopher James Christie, 35; Clinton 49, Randal Howard Paul 39; Clinton 51, Rafael Edward Cruz 35; Clinton 51, John Ellis Bush 37.

Over half — 55 percent — of Iowa voters say Clinton would make a good president, making her the only listed candidate to receive a positive score.

South Carolina U.S. Senate candidate Dave Feliciano (R), a teabagging Christine O’Donnell wannabe, is challenging Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Said Feliciano: “It’s about time that South Carolina says hey, We’re tired of the ambiguously gay senator from South Carolina. We’re ready for a new leader to merge the Republican Party. We’re done with this. This is what it’s about, all of us coming together and saying, one way or the other, one of us is going to be on that ballot in November.”

Given the homophobia of the right, I bet his poll numbers go up.

ILLINOIS–GOVERNOR–REPUBLICAN PRIMARY–We Ask America: Bruce Rauner (R) 46, Kirk Dillard (R) 26, Bill Brady (R) 19 and Dan Rutherford (R) 9%. The primary is next week.

NATIONAL–OBAMACARE–Bloomberg Poll: 64% of Americans now support the law outright or back small changes. The war is over. The radical right has lost yet another battle with Obama.

LOUISIANA–US SENATE–Hickman Analytics (D): Rep. Bill Cassidy (R) 46, Sen. Mary Landrieu (D) 42.

NORTH CAROLINA–US SENATE–Hickman Analytics: Sen. Kay Hagan (D) 45, Thom Tillis (R) 41

NORTH CAROLINA–US SENATE–Public Policy Polling: Hagan 45, Tillis 43

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