Delaware Liberal

Yeah, that’s not racist at all.

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is criticizing President Obama on Afghanistan, you know, that country and the war that Rumsfeld himself neglected so that he could satisfy the neocon wet dream of invading Iraq, saying a “trained ape” could have done a better job in diplomatic relations with the country.

“We have status of forces agreements probably with 100, 125 countries in the world,” Rumsfeld said Monday night on “On the Record with Greta van Susteren” on Fox News. “This administration, the White House and the State Department, have failed to get a status of forces agreement. A trained ape could get a status of forces agreement. It does not take a genius.”

First, has it ever occurred to the Iraqi War Criminal Rumsfeld that President Obama and most, if not the vast majority, of all Americans do not want a Status of Forces Agreement requiring us to stay in Afghanistan? Indeed, I love that we don’t have an agreement. It is to President Obama’s credit that we don’t have an agreement.

Second, who the fuck is Donald Rumsfeld to be criticizing anybody on anything at anytime? This is one of the louses that lied us into a war he wanted and didn’t plan to win that very same war, and then had no plan for ending the war, and then had no plan for the occupation of Iraq by US Forces, and then had no response to the inevitable insurgency that resulted. Rumsfeld is clearly the most incompetent and most horrible Secretary of Defense this country has seen since whomever President Madison had during the War of 1812 (though back then they were called Secretaries of War). Yeah, start a war with the British and then get the White House burned down will get you on the top of that list, for sure. You know, these old Republicans in the Bush Administration, from Darth Cheney to Don Rumsfeld to Paul Wolfowitz to the mustache guy Bolton (who hilariously wants to run for President), all need to take a clue from their former boss, George W. Bush, and shut the fuck up already. Indeed, I have gained an amount of respect for former President Bush and the way he has silently conducted himself in his post presidency.

Third, New Rule, which is really just an Old Rule for Racist Republicans who do not have the IQ to retain much knowledge beyond the talking points fed to them by the RNC:

If you in any way refer to apes, gorillas, or other monkey-type creatures when referring to the first black President of the United States, yes, you are a Racist.

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