Delaware Liberal

My Open Letter to ActBlue

Following up on this observation that the DNC’s GOTV plan is bullshit and doomed to fail, I sent this to

Dear Act Blue,

I don’t know if this can get to anyone who makes content decisions for fundraising emails, but your “Nate Silver’s prediction” email left me flat. Like most political fundraising emails, it was all about how terrible the Republicans and Koch brothers are.

Trust me – I know how terrible Republicans and Koch brothers are. What I’d love to support are Democrats and Democratic organizations that are making a case for how great Democrats are. We have the most popular positions on all of the major issues of the day, but nobody seems interested in getting the word out. With all the crappy Dems out there, like our Senator Tom Carper who can’t stop trying to blur the line between Democrats and Republicans, I can see why the DNC’s hands are tied when trying to promote Democratic values – but why are your hands tied? Why isn’t Actbule loudly making the case that Social Security needs to be protected, that the ACA is working, that the middle class and poor continued to be victimized by the utterly failed economic policy of austerity? I frankly don’t get it.

I’ll hold onto my donation until I hear some positive message. Attract my donation to ActBlue with strongly articulated progressive values, don’t chase it with fear mongering.



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