Procrastination Nation

Filed in National by on April 12, 2014

Residing in my “twilight years”, I’ve been reflecting on the many unresolved issues facing my country and revisiting the ebb and flow of progress/regression in the search for solutions  I’ve witnessed and worked for as an activist over about 45 years of my more than seven decades of life.

This is the bucket list I’ve pondered.   Yes some progress here and there, some local, some at the state level and a smattering of successes federally.  My observation is that the neglect of many and failure of other reform efforts to a great extent is attributed to an unengaged citizenry as well as their elected representatives at all levels of government.  Maybe we’re mostly just too damned busy trying to endure our lives, but we talk a good game about making life better for future generations.

Certainly, those generations have more gadgets to improve daily life;  gadgets and stuff seem to be what American’s do very well, perhaps better than most on the planet. But, improving the social order, in my opinion, certainly better than much of the third world, but compared to other “advanced” nations, not so much.

So, here’s my bucket list, listed vertically to allow readers to ponder the size of the list and reflect on each issue.  My goal, maybe unmet, is not to depress you.  Rather, to cause some reflection.  In no particular order:

Climate change- largely ignored

Environmental degradation- still tolerated

Immigration reform- again and again

Tax reform-more complex and unfair

Guns-a national obsession

Wars-most ill or dishonestly conceived

Mental health-more art than science

Gerrymandering-misused by the powerful

Campaign finance-way worse, not better

Joblessness-mostly blaming the victim

Healthcare for all-a distance dream still

Trade deficits-not favoring our citizens

Women’s rights-moving in the wrong direction

Civil rights-racism very alive and kicking

National debt-a blight on the future

Public education-the under served still awaiting results

Student debt-nibbled on but unresolved

Voting rights-regression, not improvement

Corporate lobby-citizens massively losing  influence

Financial crime-goes unpunished vs. citizen petty crime

Corporate boards-still in control of the plutocrats

Right to organize-labor rights nearly non-existent

Mass incarceration-worst in the world and privatized

Drug war-lost but still hugely harming the citizenry

Sexual exploitation-sex slavery and male intimidation winning

Surveillance state-all downhill since 9-11

Judicial reform-money wins, poverty loses

Voter participation-regressive policies impeding

Equal  economic opportunity-promised but not delivered

Pretty grim results.  But an abundance of people of good will can still turn us around together with peaceful uprising and persistence to inspire the uninspired.  My own belief, as a populist,  is that we can make the most progress short term with local, municipal and state progressive leadership, ultimately shaming and outflanking the federal plutocrats.  Optimism can prevail and shake the moribund populace to engagement to better their condition.






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  1. bamboozer says:

    Complete agreement, and it’s national greed and obsession with money that makes it so. In America anything can be bought and that includes politicians, the law and seemingly whole elections if the supreme court gets it’s way. Some of this will be solved or advanced by the generational change as old racists/homophobes go to their graves foaming with hatred and bile. And I think at least for the moment the war pigs like John McCain have been neutered as a war weary America says no to bombing, boots on the ground and Mitt’s 100,000 more in the military. All that’s left is to go on fighting, weary and growing old or not.

  2. Perry says:

    Excellent post!

    That is an amazing list all too true.

    But I like your concluding optimism of which I hope the future bares you out.

    As you say, revitalization at the local level is key. The gloomy side of local activism is that in some local areas this activism is seriously aimed at secession from our Union.

    We have almost lost the post WWII unity and optimism which I personally experienced in my youth.

    If an exemplary leader like our current President is unable to make inroads into reconciliation and rebuilding, in a time of voter disenfranchisement, education shortfalls, and federal plutocracy, I question whether we will ever recover our former mojo.

    I hope you are right and I am wrong, Mr PP!