Delaware Liberal

What If Beau Doesn’t Run?

It has been widely assumed that Beau Biden would coast to reelection for Attorney General this year, then set his sights on a gubernatorial run in 2016. Why else would he be sitting on a gargantuan campaign war chest? To defeat a non-existent Rethug challenger in November? No.

However, I think that anyone other than the terminally-gullible can recognize that there is a reason that Beau has remained largely out of the public eye since his emergency medical stop in Houston last summer.

I think someone needs to say it, after all, the election is less than seven months away: What if his condition, whatever it is, prevents Biden from running in both 2014 and 2016?

Who runs for Attorney General in 2014? Do the Rethugs even play? Who runs for Governor in 2016? Who runs for the seats of whomever runs for those seats?

And so on and so on.

This is not merely fantasy political speculation. This could really happen, and we could well know soon. In fact, we’d better know soon.

So, come on, pipples, speculate responsibly to your heart’s content.

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