Delaware Political Weekly: April 12-18, 2014

Filed in Delaware by on April 17, 2014

1. Beau.

Beau Biden’s ‘letter to his supporters’ announcing that he would not run for reelection for AG but, rather, would run for Governor in 2016, was an act of breathtaking cynicism.  So let’s make one thing totally clear: He is not running for reelection because of his health. Period. With perhaps a dollop of ‘I suck so bad as AG that maybe people will forget just how bad if I’m out of office for a couple of years’. Biden announced back in December that he would run for reelection as AG. Now, all of a sudden he just got to thinking that, “You know, since I’ve been planning to run for Governor in 2016, perhaps it would be injudicious of me to run for reelection as AG”? That thought never occurred to him before? Bullshit. To even throw that out there without even mentioning his health status, which he has resolutely refused to discuss sincewhat, August of 2013, defines the term disingenuous. And disrespectful. The Bidens must think we’re idiots. Even with this purportedly momentous announcement, Beau has remained completely out of sight. Who the fuck announces for Governor like this? Only somebody with something to hide. In this case, his physical condition. All the guy has is a last name, a crappy record as AG and…over $9 mill in the bank.  You can bet that what passes for the Biden Brain Trust were high-fiving it when they found this way out of the problem of how to run somebody who is physically unfit to run. By the way he has completely lied to all Delawareans about the reason for his decision, I now believe he is morally unfit to run or serve.

2. Apres-Beau.

So, let’s first look at 2016 and work our way backwards, shall we? With all that money in the bank, Beau hopes to scare off would-be challengers. If Biden’s successful, this would make it almost a certainty that your Democratic nominee for governor in 2016 would either be Beau Biden or…Tom Gordon.  You see, Tommy’s waiting in the wings with the implicit blessing of the Bidenistas. Either way, Joe Biden gets to play kingmaker. You like that? Neither do I. That’s why I find this maneuver so cynical. And so typical of all involved.

OK, let’s become Matt Denn for just a second. He’d like to be governor, but he’s enough of a realist to recognize that waiting for 2016 in (a) the oft-chance that Biden won’t run and/or (b) the hope that he’ll somehow be able to raise enough money to be competitive with Beau are possible but far from sure things. The position of AG has just opened up for this November. I betcha Matt Denn thinks he’d be a great AG. I agree. I also betcha that leaders in the Party are already beating a track to his door.  I don’t think anyone could come close to defeating Denn, should he run for AG. With no information whatsoever, I think and hope that that’s what he’ll do. He’d be an effective and progressive AG. Which is better than what we have now.

3. Matt Denn.

It’s already being reported (things are breaking even as I write this on Thursday afternoon) that Denn is considering running for AG in 2014 and for Governor in 2016. Denn has the potential to demonstrate in two years what Beau could not in eight–that he can effectively enact progressive legislation that has a genuine impact on people’s lives. After all, he’s already done that as Insurance Commissioner. That’s a very important skill to have. If Jack Markell had that, he might have more influence in getting infrastructure improvements and waterway cleanups funded. Denn has none of the governor’s political tone deafness, and he seems determined to make a real difference. I kinda thought that Denn could end up as AG, since I was skeptical of Beau’s ability to carry on a campaign. I hope he runs and, should he not, I hope Lisa Goodman is waiting in the wings. One final point: Denn should be keeping his options open for 2016, regardless of whether he runs for AG this year or not. Biden has his name and a fat bankroll going for him, nothing else. If he’s unable to run for reelection this year, already a full eight months following whatever his medical emergency was, it’s far from a sure thing that he’ll run in 2016. The cynical attempt to clear the decks for Beau (or Tom Gordon) in 2016 could well backfire, and Denn could be the beneficiary. I think the Bidens’ hold on the state is waning, not growing stronger. God damn, I love being a political junky.

4. Townsend-Tackett.

No need to rehash this, we talked about it earlier this week. Except…to ask the question: Who are Tackett’s backers? There are whispers out there that a couple of undistinguished, if unjustifiably powerful, legislators, are backing Tackett. Is that true? Anyone have any info? Is DeLuca in any way involved? If so, it’s time for Markell to pull the plug on the Napoleonic martinet and his labor job.

5. Filings.

Rep. Ed Osienski (D-24th), who has been more than a pleasant surprise for progressives, he’s been great; County Councilperson Janet Kilpatrick (R-NCC-Dist. 3).

OK. what’d I miss?


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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Regarding Townsend-Tackett, I can only say that State Representative Kim Williams was very publically vocal in not only supporting Townsend last night on Facebook, but also in endorsing activist Sarah McBride’s statement that pretty much condemned Tackett. Here is what Sarah had to say:

    NCC Councilman Dave Tackett just announced he is challenging Senator Bryan Townsend in the 2014 primary. In an email to community members, the councilman wrote, “I have watched as Dover has done nothing for our economy and jobs and they only dealt with a bunch of social issues while we have been hurting and struggling just to maintain.”

    Pitting social issues against “we [who] have been hurting and struggling just to maintain” is a tactic out of the right wing’s playbook. Marriage equality and transgender rights are about people who are “hurting and struggling just to maintain.” Bryan Townsend knows that, at their core, “social issues” are about jobs and the economy. He knows that these bills are about ensuring that every Delawarean has a chance at the American dream. He knows that the strongest economies do not discriminate and allow for everyone’s talents and skills to be utilized. He knows that we can pass a minimum wage increase and non-discrimination bills in the same general assembly, which they did, to ensure that no Delawarean is left behind.

    When you pit ensuring equality against “we [who] have been hurting and struggling just to maintain,” it naturally raises the question, who are the “we” you are referring to? Clearly not people like me. Social issues aren’t a luxury issue that should only be addressed when the economy is good for white, straight men. They need to be addressed now. Tomorrow is too late to wait on any issue. That’s why I’m supporting Bryan Townsend. Because he’ll fight for all Delawareans.

    Rep. Kim Williams shared Sarah’s full statement and added: “Sarah, all I can say you are amazing and could not agree with you more. Please support my colleague and friend, Bryan Townsend this September.”

    Bryan has the support of a whole core of the young Democratic Party establishment, as seen through their likes of both Sarah’s post and Kim’s post. I won’t mention their names here, but you know who they are. 😉

  2. Yep, Bryan does have their support, and it’s on many of those same people that the future of a truly progressive Democratic Party rests. If I had it to do over again, Kim Williams would rank even higher on my ‘The 62 Project’ list. (Yeah, Boss, I know…still working on it.)

  3. Mitch Crane says:

    I have had the pleasure of working with Brian Townsend on a number of issues. He has been involved in issues of concern to me as diverse as manufactured home rent justification and discrimination against senior drivers in rating insurance premiums. He is bright, inquisitive yet humble. There is no valid reason for anyone to question his service to his district or his state

  4. Will says:

    I’ve only heard good things about Bryan Townsend too, and he seemed very friendly the one time I had the opportunity to meet him. I’m a Libertarian, so I’m disinclined to agree with him on any number of economic issues, but from what I’ve heard and seen myself, he is a responsive, reasonable, and humble legislator. I think it would be an absolute tragedy to lose him to a DeLuca stooge.

  5. Jason says:

    I second everything you said about Denn. I’m selfish for him to run for something because I’m selfish for good government.

  6. SussexAnon says:

    Wow, and Beau is the cynical one?

    I am just as curious (read, not obsessing) as the next person about Beaus health, but really, project much, El Som?

    In other news this week, Vance Phillips announced he is running for reelection in his council seat despite the GOP party elite opening saying they will not support him. They cannot support him due to his legal troubles.

    No word, however, on a high profile smackdown of the wacky Sherriff who announced he is running to re election, too. Didn’t he vow to leave the state and move to Maryland or something?

  7. I wrote about Phillips and Christopher previously. Should be an interesting primary season in Sussex.

    Not sure what you mean by ‘project much, El Som?’

    According to Beau’s letter, his reason for not running is that it suddenly dawned on him that it would be difficult to serve as AG while running for governor. As it that thought never occurred to him before. Nothing about his health. Nothing about his health for eight months and counting. Meaning he and we have no idea if his health will enable him to run in 2016. But he’s gonna try and use his money and name to keep everyone else on the sidelines.

    Sorry, but I’m not the cynic. Just the skeptic.

  8. citydem says:

    Gee a primary in New Castle County for DeLuca’s old seat- shocked I am shocked-

  9. And, your point is?

  10. citydem says:

    Karma – Tony D couldn’t get someone to primary Karen – so—– Has Townsend done his homework in and for his District? – don’t know the man- seems bright and engaged- and as you know ALL POLITICS remain local – is he a legislator that has legislated at 50,000 feet or has he worked at the grass roots and dealt with those issues– ? I don’t know and I do know I don’t intend to get involved in a County suburban race- City has enough
    challenges – LOL

  11. Gotcha. I took your initial remark to suggest that we were surprised by this, and shouldn’t have been.

    A lot of us have known about this likely challenge for months, and know how hard Townsend has worked and how he continues to campaign.

    My main concern would be a low turnout primary, where sometimes an upset can occur. Doubt that it will happen here, but it’s up to me and many others to make sure it doesn’t.

  12. Geezer says:

    Do I recall correctly that Janet Kilpatrick has said she would only serve one term? Don’t have the time to sift the ‘nets for the quotes, but I think they’re out there.

  13. SussexAnon says:

    By project much, I mean you are the one being cynical.

    Let me just predict the next Beau Bidens posts by El Som regardless of topic or circumstance.

    Then there is the one about Beaus health.

    Again, I am curious (and suspicious) of Beaus health. People don’t jet down to Houston to get a bunion removed.

    BTW is Beau still in the National Guard? Is he still attending drills? Or is that part of the conspiracy too?

    Denn 2016