Archive for April, 2014

It’s Official. David Tackett to Challenge Bryan Townsend.

Filed in Delaware by on April 15, 2014 30 Comments
It’s Official. David Tackett to Challenge Bryan Townsend.

Tackett sent out this e-mail to community leaders. I swear I have not changed one letter of what he wrote. This is (presumably) his own syntax:

Well I am reaching out to share some exciting news, I have decided to run for the senate seat in our area, As you know I have been the councilman for going on 10 years now and I have used this experience and time to build my relations in the communities and helping our residents on the county level and I am now ready to move to the state side and use my experience with the multitude of state issues we are facing. We have worked on many issues in Breezwood over the years and we will have many more.

I have watched as Dover has done nothing for our economy and jobs and they only dealt with a bunch of social issues while we have been hurting and struggling just to maintain. I fell it is time to carry our voices into Dover and demand this struggling economy be addressed. I promise I will be this voice!

The guy we have now that beat DeLuca last year still lives with his parents and while he is a nice guy I just feel he does not understand the pressures we face as homeowners, parents and ever increasing pressure of inflation.

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Girls Rationalize Sexual Assault As… Normal?

Filed in National by on April 15, 2014 21 Comments
Girls Rationalize Sexual Assault As… Normal?

First, let me start off by saying that I’ve witnessed the normalization of sexual assault first hand – through my experience and now through my 16 year old daughter.  It feels like an uphill battle.  My small victory?  Everyone at the Pandora household has stopped using gender specific words in a negative, and a positive, fashion.

But take a look at this study.  I doubt you’ll be surprised.

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Tuesday Open Thread [4.15.14]

Filed in National by on April 15, 2014 6 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [4.15.14]

A new CBO report shows Obamacare will cost $100 billion less than expected while insuring more people. Run against that you Republicans, we dare you. And you spineless corporate shill Democrats, run away from it and you are done. You might as well call yourself a Republican.

Meanwhile, we have Markos Moulitsas on the fact that Liberals have won the Culture War, and we have pretty much won the Everything Else war too.

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One Year Ago

Filed in Delaware by on April 15, 2014 0 Comments

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [4.15.14]

Filed in National by on April 15, 2014 1 Comment
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [4.15.14]

From Lance Rogers on Flickr.

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Monday Open Thread [4.14.14]

Filed in National by on April 14, 2014 2 Comments
Monday Open Thread  [4.14.14]

Republicans think healthcare is a great issue for them. With ads like Mark Begich’s in Alaska, they might want to rethink that. With their focus on Obamacare in 2014, and their belief that the law is actually failing and that the people actually hate it, Republicans are heading for a repeat of 2012. Obamacare is now the new unskewed polls.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [4.14.14]

Filed in Delaware by on April 14, 2014 0 Comments
Monday Daily Delawhere [4.14.14]

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What If Beau Doesn’t Run?

Filed in Delaware by on April 13, 2014 48 Comments
What If Beau Doesn’t Run?

It has been widely assumed that Beau Biden would coast to reelection for Attorney General this year, then set his sights on a gubernatorial run in 2016. Why else would he be sitting on a gargantuan campaign war chest? To defeat a non-existent Rethug challenger in November? No.

However, I think that anyone other than the terminally-gullible can recognize that there is a reason that Beau has remained largely out of the public eye since his emergency medical stop in Houston last summer.

I think someone needs to say it, after all, the election is less than seven months away: What if his condition, whatever it is, prevents Biden from running in both 2014 and 2016?

Who runs for Attorney General in 2014?

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [4.13.14]

Filed in Delaware by on April 13, 2014 0 Comments
Sunday Daily Delawhere [4.13.14]

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Procrastination Nation

Filed in National by on April 12, 2014 2 Comments
Procrastination Nation

Residing in my “twilight years”, I’ve been reflecting on the many unresolved issues facing my country and revisiting the ebb and flow of progress/regression in the search for solutions I’ve witnessed and worked for as an activist over about 45 years of my more than seven decades of life.

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Weekend Open Thread [4.12.14]

Filed in National by on April 12, 2014 1 Comment

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on April 12, 2014 0 Comments

We are adding a new address to the mix this week, and that is the weekly legislative wrap up from the House Democratic Caucus. Last week, it was Speaker Peter Schwartzkopf giving the address. This week, it is outgoing Representative Daryl Scott.

President Obama:

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [4.12.14]

Filed in Delaware by on April 12, 2014 0 Comments
Saturday Daily Delawhere [4.12.14]

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