Delaware Liberal

The magical solution that is Colm Connolly teased the GOP once again…

If Matt Denn had not run for AG, and instead we had Kathleen Jennings or some other non-indicted deputy, I suspect Colm Connolly would have run and he would have won. But just as Denn cleared the field of Democrats, he likewise set Colm packing.

Former federal prosecutor Colm Connolly declined to run for AG after two weeks of courtship from the Republican Party, according to the state GOP’s executive director John Fluharty. Fluharty says Connolly handled the process of considering a run with an “amazing amount of grace”, but adds there are other potential candidates.

“Colm did his due diligence, came to the conclusion that for he and his family 2014 was not the year for him,” said Fuharty. “That being said, the Republican Party did not put its eggs in one basket.” [..]

“Our polling shows that this is a race we can win, that Matt Denn is a weak candidate for attorney general, and we intend to have someone soon,” said Fluharty.

I like John, but that is a ridiculous statement and he knows it. It is quite a skill to spin with a straight face. Matt Denn has won three state wide elections for three offices. He did more in the Insurance Commissioner’s office in four years than his predecessor and successors have done in twenty.

Connolly was the only viable candidate the GOP had.

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