Here is an update on the candidate filings, in chart form. First, the big news this week is that Christine O’Donnell is not a fan of getting her hand slammed in a car door. To steal from a friend on Facebook, car doors across the nation distanced themselves from this association with the failed 2010 and 2008 and 2006 GOP Senate candidate from Delaware. Seriously, the news is that O’Donnell won’t run for office in 2014. I wept a little last night, knowing that the traffic spikes Delaware Liberal receives whenever Christine makes national news will not occur this year. Oh well, the sacrifices we make for not having our state represented by a witch.
Anyway, here are the State-wides. Not much new here aside from Matt Denn running for AG. And of course you know that Colm Connolly and Ferris Wharton are off the table for the GOP as AG candidates. So God knows who they will get for any of these races. But as Rebecca Young reminded us last week, the GOP does like to fill these races with hapless unknowns in July, so we will have to stay tuned.
Onto to the Senate, where the news is the non-filing, so far, of New Castle Councilman David Tackett (D) to run against Senator Bryan Townsend (D) in the 11th Senate District. Tackett announced his intentions in a typo and insult-laden email to his supports last month. But since then, nothing. I wonder if he realizes that he does not have the support of the party or the party base for this challenge.
And finally the House.