Delaware Liberal

Republican Hypocrisy on the VA Scandal

Republican hypocrisy is popping up again with the recent Veterans Affairs scandal. The VA scandal surrounding the mistreatment of veterans waiting for medical care is a major piece of national news and congressional Republicans have taken every shot at Democrats and President Obama possible.

The abuse of the VA scandal in a midterm election year to “rock” the anti-Obama vote is entirely disgraceful. The issue of VA bureaucracy is one that has existed for decades now, and while President Obama hasn’t done enough to solve the issue, pinning the fault entirely on the President is plainly wrong.

From 1921’s Veteran’s Bureau collapse, to unpaid revolutionary soldiers, to today’s waiting lists, the issue of how we treat our veterans is one that needs an open national discussion, not a finger-pointing series of aggressive speeches and letters.

Speaker Boehner is currently pushing President Obama to be “held accountable for the VA scandal”. Perhaps the Speaker should as well be held accountable for not proposing legislation to solve an issue that has clearly existed before it had an electoral benefit, or perhaps be held accountable for having house republicans vote against adequate VA funding.

The recent series of attacks from republicans on the VA scandal proves that congress simply has no current interest in solving issues, but would instead prefer to pander to the electoral politics that will win them another term. Glad to see the vicious cycle of abusing our veterans instead of treating them like they deserve will continue.

An interesting CNN article on the history of some VA issues: CNN Article

A quick addition to the end of this as well. Secretary of Veteran Affairs Eric Shinseki has announced his resignation.

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