Archive for May, 2014

The Weekly Addresses

Filed in Delaware, National by on May 3, 2014 0 Comments

President Obama:

Governor Markell:

House Democratic Caucus:

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [5.3.14]

Filed in Delaware by on May 3, 2014 0 Comments
Saturday Daily Delawhere [5.3.14]

Photographer: xzmattzx

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Friday Open Thread [5.2.14]

Filed in National by on May 2, 2014 0 Comments

My apologies for being incommunicado this week. My real life job had me traveling everywhere and working late nights. So let’s get caught up on some polling goodness and good job numbers:

The latest jobs report has a clear and comforting message for the White House and nervous Democrats: the economy is not tanking again. The April report, showing a bigger than expected gain of 288,000 jobs, should quiet fears of another spring slowdown and revive hopes for faster growth the rest of this year.

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Delaware Political Weekly: April 26-May 2, 2014

Filed in Delaware by on May 2, 2014 8 Comments
Delaware Political Weekly: April 26-May 2, 2014

I Don’t Think Tom Wagner’s Running.

No inside info although he hasn’t yet filed. But I went to his campaign site, and it doesn’t look like it’s been updated in years. Don’t believe me? Click on ‘In the News’. Latest update? 2009. Click on the photos. Latest update? 2009.  I kid you not. The site’s highlight is a photo of a seemingly disinterested Wagner ‘being briefed on a recent special investigation’.  There is no one else in the picture. Perhaps the Robo-Auditor provided the briefing. As to his future plans? I believe that his old pal Dick Cathcart has an underwater fort with Wagner’s name on it.  Well, the name’s DuPont, but I hear that they’re exiting the underwater fort business. Oh, almost forgot, for those of you new to the site and/or unaware of who or what Tom Wagner is, he is our State Auditor. He does nothing.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [5.2.14]

Filed in Delaware by on May 2, 2014 0 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [5.2.14]

Photographer: xzmattzx

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Breaking: O’Mara Heads for the Exits

Filed in Delaware by on May 1, 2014 43 Comments
Breaking: O’Mara Heads for the Exits

The News-Journal reports that Colin O’Mara will leave his post as DNREC Secretary in  the Markell Administration in July to head up the National Wildlife Federation.

I think O’Mara was as effective as Markell allowed him to be, which was not as effective as O’Mara could have been had he been given free rein. Or is it reign?

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [5.1.14]

Filed in Delaware by on May 1, 2014 2 Comments
Thursday Daily Delawhere [5.1.14]

Photographer: xzmattzx

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