Delaware Liberal

Late Night Video — Feminist Terrorist Sleeper Cell

Great video from representatives of the Lady Parts Justice Feminist Terrorist Sleeper Cell, a terrorist group responding to the crazy petition by one more exercise in bogus male victimization that is called “A Voice for Men” at asking the White House to classify Feminism as a Terrorist Group. I never thought of myself as terrorist material, but the Lady Parts Justice Feminist Sleeper Cell seems like my kind of terrorism:

“A Voice For Men” crowdfunded $30 K for security at their so-called convention in Detroit because of feminist threats. Right? Groups of women meeting to discuss their issues have been subject to real threats and real violence since forever and these morons need SECURITY to boost their fake victimization. Good thing I’m a committed member of the sleeper cell, because there are not very nice names for this kind of cowardice.

Anyway, I’m officially a card carrying member of the Lady Parts Justice Sleeper Cell now and am tearing up my closets now looking for my stylish black beret.

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