Delaware Liberal

General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., June 19, 2014

Second verse, almost same as the first:

Wednesday Session Activity Report

Today’s Senate Agenda

Today’s House Agenda

Last day of the DIY reports, I promise. Got next week’s work schedule, and it’s ‘green across the screen’.

In the limited remaining time allotted to me today, I’ll now proceed to scour my resources for stuff that interests me…

Very happy to see the Senate pass SB 253(McBride), which ultimately conveys a parcel of property to Faithful Friends. Anyone who knows anything about Faithful Friends knows that they perform an invaluable public service in providing care and adoption services for stray and abandoned pets. A humane no-kill shelter with some of the finest staff and volunteers you’ll ever meet. I find it ironic that the three senators who voted no reside in an area known for housing Delaware’s worst (only?) puppy mills.

The FY ’15 Budget Bill was introduced and laid on the table in the Senate.  If you have time, read the Epilog Language. That’s where all the sneaky stuff usually is.

Yay! HB 331(Kowalko) unanimously passed the House yesterday!  The bill requires that both the University of Delaware and Del State comply with FOIA. And, unless I misread it, the House Amendment voted onto the bill strengthens the bill. The University must really have pissed off some important people.

Interesting bills on today’s Senate Agenda:

SB 241(Marshall) seeks to clean up after the elephantine dump that the State Medical Examiner’s Office took on the criminal justice system.

HB 13(Kowalko)  bans former legislators from lobbying during their first year out of office. Hmm, wonder who would benefit by this proposed Senate amendment?

What’s that? Gotta go.




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