Archive for June, 2014

General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., June 4, 2014

Filed in Delaware by on June 4, 2014 17 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., June 4, 2014

We need more legislative days like yesterday.

Good bills passing all over the place. The Senate passed HB 251(M. Smith) (3 Rethug nos), SB 181(Blevins), SB 185(Townsend)(5 nos, 4 Rethugs and Venables), SB 212(Hall-Long), and SB 219(Hall-Long)(unanimous!). 

Every one of these bills is something that progressives can embrace. Both Senators Lopez and Cloutier voted yes on all of these. Check ’em out for yourself, and I think you can see an emerging progressive consensus in the General Assembly. I want to highlight SB 219…..

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Wednesday Daily Elsewhere [6.4.14]

Filed in National by on June 4, 2014 3 Comments
Wednesday Daily Elsewhere [6.4.14]

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America’s Psych/Neuro Crisis: Silence From The Medics

Filed in National by on June 3, 2014 8 Comments
America’s Psych/Neuro Crisis: Silence From The Medics

You might have noticed, if you’re paying attention, that the U.S. has a major set of medical crises. An epidemic of mass killings from clearly deranged perpetrators who’ve slipped through the net of the psych/neuro professionals unnoticed. And an epidemic of broken vets returning home from the killing fields with PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). . The response from the medical profession (using this term advisedly)? Silence.

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General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Filed in Delaware by on June 3, 2014 9 Comments
General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Admit it. Like me, you didn’t see this coming$3 mill in funding earmarked for the University of Delaware in limbo while the Delaware General Assembly awaits word on what the U of D will decide in terms of the plan to build a data center and energy plant on university land. I have no problem in general with the General Assembly withholding funds from the University when UD is recalcitrant. I just wish they had done it to force UD to open its records to the public. Maybe they’ll do that next year.

This is clearly a power play by labor and some business interests to get this project moving. We’re talking Jobs vs. NIMBY. I ain’t got a dawg in this fight, but it’ll make for a fascinating June. WWUDD?

I also can’t believe that the General Assembly will allow a $70 million swath to be cut through DELDOT’s construction budget, I just can’t. If we’re talking about jobs, how does reducing road projects from around $190 million to about $120 million protect them? It doesn’t. Now that Valerie Longhurst’s power is on the wane, perhaps wiser heads will prevail in the General Assembly. Especially if a certain bridge on I-495 is in danger of falling down. Again, some great drama for the final month. Uh, not the falling down part, I hope, but the question of whether legislators will lay down on the job and bid a lot of jobs and important work adieu.

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How to Transform the War on Drugs into Providing Drug Treatment and Compassion

Filed in National by on June 3, 2014 14 Comments
How to Transform the War on Drugs into Providing Drug Treatment and Compassion

Make the faces of drug use and abuse white ones. Interesting, yes? Most black and brown people have known this since forever. Last week, the WaPo published two authors who note that with the reports of the explosion of heroin use and abuse in the suburbs, that the news reporting as well as law enforcement sound much more compassionate, but that seems to be because they are now talking about white people:

Last month, NBC News ran a series of stories about the United States’ “growing heroin epidemic.” Two things stand out in the reports: One is their sympathetic tone; the other is that almost everyone depicted is white.

Drug users and their families aren’t vilified; there is no panicked call for police enforcement. Instead, and appropriately, there is a call for treatment and rehabilitation. Parents of drug addicts express love for their children, and everyone agrees they need support to get clean.

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Tuesday Daily Elsewhere [6.3.14]

Filed in National by on June 3, 2014 8 Comments
Tuesday Daily Elsewhere [6.3.14]

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New Legislation Proposed to Decriminalize Marijuana Possession

Filed in Delaware by on June 2, 2014 17 Comments
New Legislation Proposed to Decriminalize Marijuana Possession

Yes, this is actually happening in Delaware. Rep, Helene Keeley (my rep!) has sponsored HB 371, legislation that would allow Delawareans to possess less than an ounce of marijuana and makes public consumption of marijuana a civil (rather than criminal) offense. Should this pass, Delaware would join 18 other states and multiple municipalities in helping to de-escalate the War on Drugs. People with small amounts of marijuana are a wasteful target for law enforcement (unless, of course, they are suspects in other crimes) and it is well past time to refocus limited dollars and resources for law enforcement on the crimes that actually harm people or property. I support this effort. Here is the press release on this bill:

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Why Wilmington Is Experiencing Financial Hardships

Filed in Delaware by on June 2, 2014 2 Comments
Why Wilmington Is Experiencing Financial Hardships

That is the title of an opinion piece published in the NJ yesterday from Dace Blaskovitz — a member (until very recently) of the WEFAC (Wilmington Economic and Financial Advisory Council). He’s had an up close and personal look at Wilmington financial trends for quite a few years, and recently quit the WEFAC (this isn’t news?) — according to him — after Mayor Williams announced he was going for a 9.9% property tax increase. His POV of Wilmington’s financial woes is worth reading — much of it is very familiar. I can’t vouch for his numbers on the trends he discusses, but total payroll *has* gone up — this is due not just to the hiring of people but also due to increased health care costs. That last one is true for most employers who provide health care benefits. Note also that most of the city employees have not had COLA increases in several years and I believe that all of the city’s unions are working without a contract.

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Monday Daily Elsewhere [6.2.14]

Filed in National by on June 2, 2014 3 Comments
Monday Daily Elsewhere [6.2.14]

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Sunday Daily Elsewhere [6.1.14]

Filed in National by on June 1, 2014 6 Comments
Sunday Daily Elsewhere [6.1.14]

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