Archive for June, 2014

The College Debt Crisis in America

Filed in National by on June 6, 2014 24 Comments
The College Debt Crisis in America

America has a problem that’s growing on an unimaginable scale. In the last decade student loan debt has become an issue that should be at the forefront of any agenda looking to push serious long term change. The fact is, college is a wonderful thing for the growth of a nation, and while I certainly agree that we shouldn’t be so focused on pushing everyone to go, those who want to go, and can go, should be able to attend without the nagging fear of walking out with their arms filled with an eternal debt. Innovation and change is fueled through the education of the next generation, and college is a wonderful place to further the potential of young people.

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Another upstanding citizen exercises his second amendment rights

Filed in National by on June 6, 2014 9 Comments
Another upstanding citizen exercises his second amendment rights

Keeping tyranny a bay, Patriot Aaron Rey Ybarra killed a student and shot three others at a Seattle college having researched other mass shootings. The second amendment scholar opened fire at Seattle Pacific University shortly after 3 p.m. Thursday, walking into a lobby of the engineering and math hall, and then fired multiple rounds of freedom and liberty.

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Can You Hear Me Now?

Filed in National by on June 6, 2014 29 Comments
Can You Hear Me Now?

Last week Cassandra put up a post entitled #YesAllWomen and things got interesting.  The entire thread (and its evolution or… reduction?) is worth your time to read, but, for this post, I’m going to deal with my interactions with individual commenters – which means I’ll be taking the comments out of order to highlight the individual conversations.

I’ve debated on how to do this and decided to post comments in their entirety – which means this post will be ridiculously long, but quotes will not be taken out of context.  (FYI: I’ve placed the comments in blockquotes, so they can be easily identified.  Anything in blockquotes is a direct comment from the #YesAllWomen thread.  Everyone with me?)  Hey, look at this as your weekend reading!

Basically, I’m going to dissect these conversations.  I am also writing this post from my point of view (and only my point of view) – how I interpreted these responses as a women.

I was actually surprised by how frustrated I became writing this post, and I shudder when I think of the forthcoming comments.  Mainly because I’m not sure if we can have this discussion without getting defensive.  I’ll also point out that while I am calling out certain people’s comments I am doing so in a attempt to see if people can relate to my reactions to certain words, phrases, tone, etc.  Again, this post is about how I interpreted comments… and I didn’t always interpret them nicely, so feel free to call me out.  But once you do that… do you think you could comment on my point; do you think there’s a conversation to be had?  If you do, then after you call me out, could you address that?

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Friday Open Thread [6.6.14]

Filed in National by on June 6, 2014 9 Comments
Friday Open Thread [6.6.14]

On this 70th anniversary of D-Day, I am posting something my brother wrote about this day:

70 years ago today the largest amphibious invasion ever and the most important battle in human history took place on the beaches of Normandy. Our country was never, before or since, as united in one common purpose as we were on that day and during that war. Can you even imagine today? Every single American united in one cause. Together. Elvis Pressley fought. Jimmy Stewart. They cancelled baseball for jimmy crickets sake because so many professional athletes went overseas to fight and die. Can you imagine Kayne West and Lil Wayne lacing up their boots? Tom Brady and Desean Jackson in army green? Jared Leto or Johnny Depp signing up to fight? It was a different time, a great generation and a shared purpose that no one could doubt. That everyone could believe in. Remember them today. They were better than we are today. They are what we are capable of being.

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Delaware Political Weekly: May 31-June 6, 2014

Filed in Delaware by on June 6, 2014 7 Comments
Delaware Political Weekly: May 31-June 6, 2014

Any general election ballot with both Matt Denn and Brenda Mayrack on it is a ballot worth filling out. For years, we, and many of you, have lamented the dearth of progressives at the highest levels of  elected state Democratic officeholders. I am convinced that both Denn and Mayrack are true progressives, and that the offices for which they’re running this year are unlikely to be the last offices for which they run.  In addition to being progressives, both are real competent. With all due respect to Beau Biden (and that’s about as much respect as he’s due), Denn is a huge upgrade in the competence department. As for Tom Wagner, is there anybody in the state, other than perhaps Dick Cathcart, even willing to make an argument about his competence? Unless one views not doing anything as evidence of competence? Now contrast him with Brenda Mayrack. As Spiro Agnew might say, “Nolo contendere”.    Speaking of Wagner and Cathcart, for those of you new to this scandal, this is must reading.  Pretty much everything you need to know in one place. Perhaps that Delaware City sycophant who kisses Cathcart’s ass (no, not Val Longhurst, the other Delaware City sycophant who kisses Cathcart’s ass) will respond to this. Wagner? I dunno. But the term ‘suspendered disbelief’ was never more appropriate. BTW, in a delicious piece of irony, the pathetic report/whitewash from Wagner that I linked to in the article…is no longer available from the Auditor’s office.

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Obama Praises Moms, America and Apple Pie; Republicans Furious – “Moms are actually huge c*nts” Counters McCain

Filed in National by on June 6, 2014 77 Comments
Obama Praises Moms, America and Apple Pie; Republicans Furious – “Moms are actually huge c*nts” Counters  McCain

This Bowe Bergdahl story is actually the tipping point right? We have finally reached “peak wingnut.”

The ludicrousness of the Republican talking points on this issue reveal the game once and for all. To be a Republican now means that you believe…

– President Obama secretly and treacherously invented the idea of prisoner exchange,
– the Taliban prisoners being exchanged personally blew up the twin towers on 9-11,
– Bergdahl’s Mother and Father are enemies of democracy, and
– (insert crackpot conspiracy theory of the day here).

It is all such transparent nonsense that the American family can finally consign our wingnut uncle to an institution. You will like it in the country Uncle. The good people will take care of you. You need a long rest. It will be good for you.

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Friday Daily Elsewhere [6.6.14]

Filed in National by on June 6, 2014 6 Comments
Friday Daily Elsewhere [6.6.14]

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Thursday Open Thread [6.5.14]

Filed in National by on June 5, 2014 11 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [6.5.14]

All I have to say on the whole Bergdahl matter is you get your brother home. No matter what. You don’t leave a brother in enemy hands. Period. If Bergdahl needs to be court martial-ed once he is back here, then so be it. But you get him home. If you in any way disagree, then you do not support the troops. You only support the troops you like, and are willing to abandon those you don’t whenever the mood strikes you. That is unAmerican. Unpatriotic. Unhuman.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., June 5, 2014

Filed in Delaware by on June 5, 2014 4 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., June 5, 2014

Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf’s gonna earn his money today.  Look for a l-o-o-o-o-ng party caucus for the House Majority.

At a time when key legislation needs to be worked, and worked with some sense of urgency, The House D’s will most likely feel forced to confront the (former GOP) elephant in the room.  John Atkins. I can’t imagine that there will not be a serious mass of legislators outraged at his alleged actions. And, of course, this is far from the first time that the Caucus has had to address issues regarding Atkins. When you add to that the fact that Schwartzkopf personally vouched for Atkins and sold him to a skeptical caucus back in 2008 (‘People can change’), and you’ve got a real messy situation on your hands. The guy was always kinda on probation to several caucus members, and I wonder if caucus members are willing to let that continue. Yes, I know, he has not been charged with anything and he deserves his day in court. I’m just looking at the dynamics of the caucus. After all, not even the Rethugs wanted him. Betcha a majority of D’s don’t, either.

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Delaware’s I-495 Closing Brings Attention to State Infrastructure

Filed in Delaware by on June 5, 2014 6 Comments
Delaware’s I-495 Closing Brings Attention to State Infrastructure

Monday’s closure of Delaware’s I-495 bridge has brought to attention the ailing state of Delaware’s infrastructure (not to mention America’s infrastructure). It’s no secret that the infrastructure of Delaware and the entire nation is in desperate need of attention and repair, and most state politicians have agreed, yet few have actually taken action on this issue. Governor Markell has repeatedly called for additional focus on Delaware’s infrastructure, and with the recent bridge closing, so have many more members of the state legislature.

The infrastructural issues of Delaware range from our roadways to our waterways, and none of it can be ignored. With a quick google search any person can find several reports and informative pieces on Delaware’s infrastructural shortcomings. 36% of Delaware’s major roadways are in poor or lacking condition, over 20% of our bridges are either structurally deficient or obsolete, and the state has 65 high hazard dams. This is nothing short of extremely concerning.

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Thursday Daily Elsewhere [6.5.14]

Filed in National by on June 5, 2014 3 Comments
Thursday Daily Elsewhere [6.5.14]

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DL Exclusive: Brenda Mayrack Receives Major Endorsement from Emily’s List

Filed in Delaware, National by on June 5, 2014 4 Comments
DL Exclusive: Brenda Mayrack Receives Major Endorsement from Emily’s List

Delaware State Auditor candidate Brenda Mayrack has officially been endorsed by Emily’s List. Come inside for the full release….

“I am both inspired and gratified by this endorsement,” Mayrack told Delaware Liberal. “I am running for Auditor because I intend to work to ensure that each one of our hard-earned tax dollars is used well and not wasted. All Delawareans, along with those who have placed their trust in me, deserve that, and that’s the mission I will bring to the office.”

This is a big deal for Delaware. Brenda Mayrack offers the real promise of progressive leadership for Delaware. She will be a great auditor, bringing both an incisive mind and, here’s a word you don’t ever hear associated with current Auditor Tom Wagner, competence, to effectively do the job.

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News-Journal: Rep. Atkins Ordered to Stay Away From His Wife and Kids

Filed in Delaware by on June 4, 2014 89 Comments
News-Journal: Rep. Atkins Ordered to Stay Away From His Wife and Kids

No snark here. Just gotta hope for the safety of the wife and kids. Here are two key grafs from the News Journal story:

““His temper is getting worse and I fear that if something is not done it will effect my safety,” Heather Atkins wrote in her petition for emergency protection. “I feel that he is not able to take the best interest of our children and put that first. I am afraid that the children are at risk due to his temper and erratic behavior.”

And this:

“Court documents show Atkins relinquished 17 firearms, most of them shotguns, to Millsboro police officers Monday evening after they took a court order requiring he do so to his home.”

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