Delaware Liberal

Delaware Political Weekly: July 5-11, 2014

There’s no sense recapping what we’ve already recapped, so I won’t.

However, there is at least a possibility that Rebecca Walker will not be the only person to withdraw from the ballot.

1. Today marks another election deadline:

July 11, 2014
at 4:30 p.m.
DEADLINE for filed candidates to withdraw or file for a
different office without forfeiting filing fees.

To me, the most head-scratching primaries, and they haven’t been discussed anywhere but here, are the R primaries in the 33rd and 34th Representative Districts. The two challengers either are, or were, District R Party chairs, and the districts are competitive in the general election. The 33rd features incumbent Harold Peterman vs. Donald Postles, and the 34th features longtime Rep. Don Blakey vs. Lyndon Yearick. In this case, the primaries could well create pick-up opportunities for the D’s in November. At first, I thought that the challengers’ filings were of the ‘just-in-case’ variety, as in ‘just in case the incumbents don’t run’, but I no longer think that’s the case. I know that a lot of R’s read our blog. Can someone clue us (read: me) in on the background of these primary challenges?

2. D State Treasurer Candidates Debate.

Here’s the Delaware Liberal recap.

I gotta say that Barney comes off more and more like a Carper lackey every time he says something. Sounds like someone else is writing the words he mouths. For all his faults, and they are legion, Flowers comes off like Flowers. This race ranks at the top of my list in terms of intriguing primaries. The R primary between Ken Simpler and Cheryl Valenzuela (she calls herself Sher to make her seem plausibly Hispanic, which she is not) is pretty high up there as well. Any of the four could actually be elected treasurer. Not sure how I feel about that.

3. Green Party Candidates File.

Andrew Groff (I voted for him last time) for US Senate; Bernard August (I’ll vote for him this time) for Congress;David Chandler (you never know) for State Treasurer, and David McCorquodale for 21st RD vs. State Rep. Mike Ramone.

That’s all I’ve got. What’d I miss and whaddayathink?

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