Delaware Liberal

Markell to Children: Drop Dead

Don’t look for gimlet-eyed Jack Markell to lift a finger to assist in the humanitarian crisis at the nation’s borders.  Delaware Gov. Markell turned down a request from The US Department of Health & Social Services to even consider making any state resources available to stem the humanitarian crisis. He blames congressional ‘dithering’. As if the kids placed in the middle of this crisis can do anything to overcome congressional dithering.

From today’s News-Journal story:

Markell, who is among a number of the nation’s governors who fielded federal requests for help, said there are no state facilities available that could properly accommodate the children while they await immigration hearings. But he said some Delaware faith-based organizations might be in a position to offer assistance.

“I don’t really see the possibility of any state facilities housing these kids,” Markell said Monday. “I don’t think that exists. If private organizations choose to do so, that’ll be up to them.”

Markell said he would “expect to be notified” if the federal government sends any children to Delaware.

Gotcha. Faith-based networks already pushed beyond the breaking point due to rips in the social safety net should see if there’s any room in their respective basements, but Markell is not going to even look into the possibility of assisting.

“This is a huge issue,” Markell said. “We need to make sure we’re treating these kids humanely.”

By ‘we’, he makes clear that he doesn’t mean Delaware. The Delaware ‘we’ is not going to do anything to help. So says our leader.

This is truly an unprecedented crisis, albeit a temporary one. As governor, Jack Markell has publicly stated that these children from Central America are not worthy of his time or assistance. They can just drop dead.

What’s that, Jack? Sorry, folks, he’s gotta run. Meeting with some casino executives…




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