The Weekly Addresses
President Obama
The West Wing Week, with its focus on Delaware…
Governor Markell hasn’t posted a weekly message update on his YouTube channel (which is where I always check) in three weeks. Sussex Watcher informs me that he has hidden his weekly messages at part of his state website. So he been posting messages, just not publicly to his YouTube channel. So here is this week’s update:
And over the craziness of the last few weeks, I forgot to post this legislative wrap up from the House Democratic Caucus from Valerie Longhurst and Speaker Schwartzkopf. I do highly encourage the House and the Senate to continue these weekly messages from various lawmakers, even when the General Assembly is out of session. One of the travesties of our democracy is that everyone knows who the President is, but very few know who their local state representative and senator are, and those officials are the ones who are and are supposed to be most responsive to your needs and requests. Keep it up GA.
The guvnah *has* put out weekly messages the last three weeks. I don’t know where you’re looking, but it’s not here:
Did you try Googling?
To clarify:
I don’t know where you’re looking, but you apparently didn’t look here …
Nice updating.
Hey Sussex Watcher… please tell the Governor to update his fucking You Tube channel. Tell me where the Addresses are there, please.
So you’re pissy that his staff hasn’t indexed them on YouTube? Good grief. Did you check his website? Inquire of his staff? Ask to get on the press list (all the weekly messages are sent out there as well)? Use this great thing called Google?