Delaware Liberal

Thursday Open Thread [7.31.14]

We haven’t had one of these for a while and I apologize for that.  This is a travel week for me and today is my only full day in the area this week.  So what is going on?


So conservatives who simply cannot live in the Reality Based Community created their own version of Facebook.  It is called Reaganbook — the “Facebook for Patriots”.  Somehow these conservatives feel that they are being censored and hounded off of Facebook and they need their own social network.  (There is nothing more appalling or more hysterical than conservatives who think they are being persecuted.) That site was recently pre-launched and that failed launch was subject to serious take-backs:

This is by no means the first time that conservatives have established private social networks. ReaganBook follows in the footsteps of The Tea Party CommunitySocial PostUpand FreedomTorchamong others. If none of these sound familiar, it’s because they’ve all failed to attain tangible resonance outside of the niche communities that populate the sites.

ReaganBook shows no discernable signs of longevity. It’s already been forced to temporarily shut down, after many of its thousand-plus members are trolls calling themselves things like “Albradorft Lincler,” “Al Zheimers,” and “Ben Ghazi.” The site runs tremendously slowly, and its attempts to interact with members through a messaging platform have proven fruitless. There’s hardly any involvement in thought-provoking (and clearly troll-created) pages like “Cut Dicks for Christ,” which simply says: “Calling all cut dicks.”

But while they are whinging about their free speech rights being violated on Facebook (specious), here is the current notice on their site as they try to recover from the intense trolling their launch inspired:

“Thank you to all those who participated in the pre-release of,” a message credited to “Management” said on the site late Wednesday afternoon. “Your participation is helping us build a more secure site. Thank you! Please be patient while we make the necessary changes to keep the site free from obscenity, pornography, and those intent on the destruction of life, liberty, and the family. We will be opening the doors again soon with additional protections in place. As Reagan taught us, trust, but verify.” –

Frankly, I wonder how long this lasts until the Reagan family has second thoughts.

I’m just gonna put this one out here:

Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) suggested on Tuesday that the president of the United States was “extremely prejudiced” because he was deporting Mexicans, while allowing child refugees who were fleeing violence in Central America to stay. […]

“I don’t know why this president is so extremely prejudiced against Mexicans. They say, if you’re from Mexico, we’ll turn you right around and send your right back. But if you’re from Central America, ‘No, come on, we’ll send you all over the United States.’”


Right. It might be time to make sure this man’s voters can pass a literacy test before letting them vote again. I know, I know — that’s illegal — but I’m astonished that his constituents are not embarrassed to be represented by this fool.

Then there’s this woman — running for office in Louisiana AND an admirer of the Sarah Palin model who runs from an interview after being asked if the President was born in the United States:

Wasserman noted that he had never “met any candidate quite as frightening or fact-averse” as Whitney. She models herself after Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), and enjoys being called “Palin of the South.”

When Wasserman confronted her about the claim that the Earth was getting colder, “she froze and was unable to cite a single scientist, journal or news source to back up her beliefs.”

So, he changed the subject, asking her if President Barack Obama was a natural born U.S. citizen.

“When she replied that it was a matter of some controversy, her two campaign consultants quickly whisked her out of the room, accusing me of conducting a ‘Palin-style interview,’” Wasserman wrote.

So what’s going on where you are?

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