Delaware Liberal

Why I’m not voting for Ken Simpler

“Excuse me, do you have the time?”

“Is this seat taken?”

“Do you happen to know, is this the line for registration?”

Everyone has millions of these forgettable little interactions every year. To make one of these little encounters between strangers memorable you would really have to be a huge dick. Your asshole-ishness would have to be a core part of your being. In a world where we have come to expect the personality traits of Republicans to skew towards shithead, to stand out as a very memorably rude, entitled shithead, you would have to get off on being a shithead.
That’s Ken Simpler for you. Based on a brief chance encounter a year or so ago, I can confidently say that he is a dick. I guess it is possible that he was having a bad day, but I didn’t get that sense. Rather, he seemed like the kind of guy who likes being a rude jerk to people.  If he happens to be elected, I predict that many stories of his horrible management style and general assholery will build up in short order.

Maybe there are some good reasons to vote for him, but it would take a lot for me to change my mind about him.   If you can take the measure of a man by the way he behaves when it doesn’t matter, then Ken Simpler is a shithead.   Yes. Sometimes (especially in Delaware) it is that simple.

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