Delaware Liberal

A Delaware Poll! Coons leads Wade by 15, and we got approval numbers on Obama, Biden, Carper and Markell

For some reason, the Republican-leaning Rasmussen polled little ole Delaware, and found Senator Chris Coons (D) leading Republican nominee Kevin Wade, 49% to 34%.

A new Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of [750] Likely Delaware Voters finds Coons leading Republican challenger Kevin Wade by 15 points – 49% to 34%. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate in the race, while 12% are undecided.

The questions in the poll also asked about the favorability of Vice President Biden, Senator Carper, Coons and Wade, but I cannot access the cross tabs for those results without being registered.

UPDATE: A source who has access to some of the internals that are hidden behind a pay wall on Rasmussen’s site has sent me snapshots of the favorability ratings of Vice President Biden and Senator Carper, and the approval ratings of Governor Markell and President Obama. Unfortunately, my source did not have any further numbers for Senator Coons or GOP Nominee Kevin Wade.

Vice President Biden has a 66% favorable rating versus a 34% unfavorable rating.

Senator Carper has a 60% favorable rating, versus a 32% unfavorable rating.

President Obama enjoys a 60% approval rating in Delaware, versus a 39% disapproval rating. He should come here for lunch more often.

Finally, we have some interesting approval numbers for Governor Markell. The toplines indicate that he has the standard 60’s approval rating for Democrats in Delaware. He has a 64% approval rating, and a 32% disapproval rating. But I was also sent the breakdown among partisan and ideological lines.

78% of Democrats approve of Markell, but only 29% of those do so strongly. 49% of Democrats only “somewhat approve.” That was kinda shocking to me, so I chalked that up to liberal/progressive dissatisfaction with his economic record and policies. And sure enough, 55% of self described liberals only somewhat approve of Markell’s job performance. 30% of liberals strongly approve.

73% of self described Moderates approve of Markell, with a similar differently between somewhat versus strongly approving: 43% of moderates somewhat approve, 30% strongly do so.

Rasmussen has a partisan category called “Others,” which I suppose covers Libertarians, Greens, Unaffliateds, and IPODs. 60% of the Others approve of Markell, 36% do not.

57% of self described Conservatives disapprove, with 29% of those doing so strongly. 41% approve, which is high for a socially progressive Governor.

Finally, and most surprisingly, more Republicans in Delaware approve of Governor Markell than disapprove. He has a 49% approval rating, and a 48% disapproval rating among Republicans.

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