Delaware Liberal

Zombie Economic Bullshit Can Never Die

I happen to know Dave Lawson. Nice guy. But this is just sad.

“Hi, I’m Senator Dave Lawson.
“You may have heard in the news recently that Burger King merged with a Canadian company. By doing so, Burger King, incorporated in Delaware, can move its corporate address to Canada to take advantage of the lower tax rate.

“This growing trend is called a tax, or corporate, inversion. And it’s perfectly legal, for now.

“Delaware Senator Chris Coons teamed up with fellow Democrats Chuck Shumer of New York and Dick Durbin of Illinois last week to introduce a bill that would deter this type of tax evasion. While we’d all like to see American companies keep their headquarters – and their tax dollars – right here, this is not the way to do it. It’s just another short-sighted, quick fix.

“Bottom line, Coons’ bill – and others like it — fails to address the real root of the problem, which is the need for a complete overhaul of our nation’s outdated tax code. Democrats and Republicans in Washington need to get on the same page before we drive even more businesses away.

“As a nation and right here in Delaware, we need to create a more competitive, and fair, job climate, one that includes lower taxes and energy costs. Since 2008, the state has continued to increase taxes: Income tax, estate tax, corporate tax, renewable energy tax, energy surcharges and gross receipts tax and more have all gone up. This STOPS jobs!

“Whether they are Fortune 500 companies incorporated in Delaware, or your local corner store, shouldn’t Delaware be business friendly? When we reduce taxes and energy costs, we will create the jobs we so desperately need. Thank you.”

All due respect Senator, where is your proof? I know you’ve heard that cutting tax revenues creates economic growth – but can you point to an actual instance of that happening?

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