Archive for September, 2014

Liveblog President Obama Speech on ISIL

Filed in National by on September 10, 2014 16 Comments

The President interrupts your Prime Time at 9PM EDT to tell the nation about his plan to deal with ISIL. The Guardian has a good overview of what to expect from tonight’s speech, because apparently the American outlets are occupied with 1) the optics, 2) the horserace, 3) the appetite of Americans for bloodshed and 4) President Obama’s poll numbers. Sheesh.

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Wednesday Open Thread [9.10.14]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 10, 2014 10 Comments

Today is a major protest by some of the Internet’s favorite sites to show users what an internet without net neutrality would look like:

You’ll find spinning wheels at the top of Netflix, Etsy, Foursquare and other top sites today, as they take part in Internet Slowdown Day. While sites won’t slow down for real, participating Internet companies will be covered with the symbolic loading icons “to remind everyone what an Internet without net neutrality would look like,” the organizers write on their website.

It’s all part of a push to get the Federal Communications Commission to enact stronger protections for net neutrality. “We’re going to reach millions and millions of people who have never heard the words “net neutrality” before,” writes Fight for the Future’s Evan Greer. The group advocates for tougher net neutrality protections.

Interesting, I haven’t noticed the slowdown yet — have you?

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [9.10.14]

Filed in Delaware by on September 10, 2014 3 Comments
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [9.10.14]

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The Primary Winners [2014]

Filed in National by on September 9, 2014 17 Comments


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The Polls Are Closed! Primary Election Results Thread

Filed in Delaware by on September 9, 2014 139 Comments
The Polls Are Closed!  Primary Election Results Thread

The real news of the day is that turnout seemed to have been abysmally light all over. Even the NCC DOE took to Facebook to say how light the turnout was and to urge people to vote. But the polls are closed now and candidates should be getting the final numbers of the day. Are you working on a campaign today? What was it like out there?

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Joe Biden Shows How To Speak About The Ray Rice Abuse/Assault

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 9, 2014 5 Comments
Joe Biden Shows How To Speak About The Ray Rice Abuse/Assault

I love Joe! Here are his comments regarding the Ray Rice “incident” or – as it’s known when it happens outside of a relationship – assault. It’s never, never, never the woman’s fault. No man has a right to raise a hand to a woman. No means no. […] The one regret I have is […]

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NCCo. Civic League Candidates Forum Scheduled for 9/16

Filed in National by on September 9, 2014 0 Comments
NCCo. Civic League Candidates Forum Scheduled for 9/16

Put this on your calendar now. I’ll be there. All of the candidates for offices in and for New Castle County will be invited, and I assume that includes offices from County Council and Recorder of Deeds to all the State House and Senate candidates. I wonder if it also includes Chris Coons and John Carney and the other statewide offices like Auditor and Treasurer.

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Primary Day Open Thread [9.9.14]

Filed in National by on September 9, 2014 16 Comments
Primary Day Open Thread [9.9.14]

Here is the state of play in the US Senate. The GOP needs to gain, or net, 6 seats to win 51 seats, which will be enough for a Republican majority. Remember, if they win just 50, chances are highly likely that Vice President Biden will have the tiebreaking vote and thus give the Dems the majority.

They have three seats already in their pocket: West Virginia, Montana, and South Dakota. They need three more. Their targets, and of course, the competitive races are Arkansas, Louisiana, Iowa, North Carolina, Colorado and Alaska.

The Dems have been doing well in Alaska and Colorado, so let’s assume we win those two races. The recent poll out of Iowa looks good for Braley, so let’s assume for now that the Dems retain that seat. That leaves North Carolina, which a recent poll paid for by the NRSC shows a tied race (which may mean that in actuality Hagan is leading), Arkansas and Louisiana. The GOP appears to have taken a consistent lead based on all the polls above in Arkansas, though it remains a toss up. In Louisiana, we have two polls showing both a Landreiu and a Cassidy win, so that is a toss up.

The GOP needs to win all three. And they need to do so while retaining all their seats. They seem to be doing a good job of that in Kentucky recently, with McConnell taking a consistent lead over the Democrat Grimes, but that is still a competitive race that could go either way. And the Dems still lead in Georgia.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [9.9.14]

Filed in Delaware by on September 9, 2014 2 Comments
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [9.9.14]

A unique view of Delaware from the International Space Station, from J. Albert Bowden II on Flickr. Click on the photo for a larger view.

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Delaware Liberal Primary Endorsements

Filed in Delaware by on September 8, 2014 34 Comments
Delaware Liberal Primary Endorsements

Took long enough, right? We’re ready with our endorsements, after a simple vote. We did not require a unanimous decision to endorse, but I think we pretty nearly were unanimous on these. This is who your charming and knowledgeable Editors endorse for tomorrow’s primary:

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Monday Open Thread [9.8.14]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 8, 2014 10 Comments

As states restrict the ability of women to get legal abortions, there will be more stories like this:

A Pennsylvania woman has been sentenced to up to 18 months in prison for obtaining so-called abortion pills online and providing them to her teenage daughter to end her pregnancy.

Jennifer Ann Whalen, 39, of Washingtonville, a single mother who works as a nursing home aide, pleaded guilty in August to obtaining the miscarriage-inducing pills from an online site in Europe for her daughter, 16, who did not want to have the child.

Whalen was sentenced on Friday by Montour County Court of Common Pleas Judge Gary Norton to serve 12 months to 18 months in prison for violating a state law that requires abortions to be performed by physicians.[…]

Whalen told authorities there was no local clinic available to perform an abortion and her daughter did not have health insurance to cover a hospital abortion, the Press Enterprise newspaper of Bloomsburg reported.

And this is what the War on Women looks like — criminalizing what shouldn’t even be the state’s business.

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“I’ll be the Lady GOP version Chip Flowers” (paraphrase)

Filed in National by on September 8, 2014 12 Comments
“I’ll be the Lady GOP version Chip Flowers”  (paraphrase)

Sher Valenzuela on why she should be (insert name of elected office here).

If Ken Simpler loses the primary to this outright dumbass – the GOP really is beyond hope.

Extra Prediction – The Cape Gazette will overtake the News Journal as Delaware’s newspaper of record within 8 years.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [9.8.14]

Filed in Delaware by on September 8, 2014 0 Comments
Monday Daily Delawhere [9.8.14]

The Kalmar Nyckel and the Cape May-Lewes Ferry, by Michele Dorsey Walfred on Flickr.

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