Archive for September, 2014

Late Night Video — The List of Rules for Women

Filed in National by on September 2, 2014 2 Comments

The incomparable Jay Smooth works in this new video (about 2 and a half minutes long) at trying to round up the current set of rules for women so that women can get their humanity respected. After trying to grapple with the ever changing rules that (mostly) men prescribe for women to be able to make their way unassaulted in the world for awhile, he does note that it might be easier to provide a list for men:”Hello, Asshole. Women are human beings.” BAM! Still, let the mansplaining begin.

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Tuesday Open Thread [9.2.14]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 2, 2014 7 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [9.2.14]

The Washington Post published Five things to know about Delaware’s election, noting that there are no Bidens on the ballot and noting that Beau Biden has gotten large contributions from Peter Angelos and the Buccini Brothers. They also note that Brenda Mayrack seems to be cruising in this primary and that Kevin Wade might be tilting at windmills. Smink has a COD endorsement? Yikes.

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Bezos Promotes Politico Founder to Publisher of WaPo

Filed in National by on September 2, 2014 5 Comments
Bezos Promotes Politico Founder to Publisher of WaPo

This is some bullshit.

Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos has replaced publisher Katharine Weymouth with a co-founder of the newspaper’s competitor Politico, the company announced Tuesday.

Weymouth’s departure is the end of an era of Graham family involvement with the Post. Her great-grandfather bought the newspaper in the 1930s, and her uncle Donald Graham sold it to Bezos last August for $250 million.

She’ll be replaced by Frederick J. Ryan, the founding CEO of Politico and a former Reagan administration official.

Anyone who thought that Amazon ownership of the Post was going to be good for American journalism can put away that childish naivety.

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El Somnambulo Predicts ‘Em All For You

Filed in Delaware by on September 2, 2014 23 Comments
El Somnambulo Predicts ‘Em All For You

This column will self-destruct sometime around 9 p.m. next Tuesday. Or perhaps Saturday, according to Dave Tackett’s latest mailer (seriously, he has the wrong day for the primary on his mailer.) Time to pick the primary winners (and losers).

State Senator-SD 11 (D):  Even with pretty good name recognition, it’s hard to win a D primary against a popular incumbent when your ideological base resides within a right-wing evangelical church. Bryan Townsend gives Dave Tackett a well-deserved whooping, I mean whoooping, 62-38. (Memo to Dave: Next time, try Spell Check. Despite what it says on your latest piece, there are only two o’s in ‘trooper’, not three. Oh, and political mailers should have a disclaimer as to who paid for them. You’re welcome.)

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [9.2.14]

Filed in Delaware by on September 2, 2014 2 Comments
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [9.2.14]

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It’s Labor Day and Someone Forgot About Winning Hearts and Minds

Filed in Delaware by on September 1, 2014 12 Comments
It’s Labor Day and Someone Forgot About Winning Hearts and Minds

Today was the Labor Day Parade in Downtown Wilmington — a long-standing tradition of organized labor, their families and supporters and (during an election year) politicians who want to be seen supporting labor marching down King St. This year, the union rat was also on parade courtesy of the Building Trades (I’m told — I was not at the parade this year) and this year, they put the face of John Kowalko on it — in protest of his not supporting the Newark Data Center. Pretty despicable behavior — especially towards someone who is routinely supportive of labor issues in Dover. Even more delusional when you factor in the fact that Rep. Kowalko was actually representing his *constituents* in the Data Center matter. Even union members can get that sometimes the people that actually vote in an area are pretty important to hear — and in the long run, it isn’t as though they’d be able to replace him with someone who is more committed to labor issues. I’ll also point out that these folks taking the cowards’ route in criticizing Kowalko today haven’t been able to find anyone who could credibly run against him — and seriously labor folks, if you think you can get someone more supportive of your agenda AND make those residents happy, then man up and get that person to run against Kowalko. Otherwise, what you did today was not worthy of what today is supposed to represent and it was just basic bullshit. A picture (thanks to my anonymous source) of today’s labor bullshit is here:

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Labor Day: Honoring The Labor Leaders I’ve Known

Filed in National by on September 1, 2014 2 Comments
Labor Day:  Honoring The Labor Leaders I’ve Known

This 2014 Labor Day give me the opportunity to reflect on the labor leaders and organizers I’ve had the privilege to know. Few of those among us who are not union members appreciate the brutal, thankless work done by labor leaders in this country that make our working lives at least halfway tolerable. I want to honor the several such leaders who have impacted my life so positively.

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Labor Day Open Thread [9.1.14]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 1, 2014 3 Comments
Labor Day Open Thread [9.1.14]

So now we have a new bit of right-wing foolishness to live through — Right wing launches misguided protest against Labor Day. Got that? A protest against Labor Day, folks.

But to the Freedom Foundation, a business-backed Olympia think tank, the day is evidence of the power of unions, which to members equals the decline of America. Rather than stoop to taking a union-backed day off, they plan to fight the power by … working all day Monday instead!

“I can’t think of a problem in society that can’t be traced in some way back to the abuses of organized labor, so it would be hypocritical of us to take a day off on its behalf,” said Freedom Foundation CEO Tom McCabe, in announcing the “work-in.”

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Labor Day Daily Delawhere [9.1.14]

Filed in Delaware by on September 1, 2014 1 Comment
Labor Day Daily Delawhere [9.1.14]

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