In no particular order:
1. Sean Matthews, 11th RD: Even if you backed Dennis E. Williams in the primary, you’d have to admit that Matthews is infinitely preferable to R candidate Judy Travis, whose support comes from far out of the political mainstream. As opposed to your traditional Brandywine Hundred R, Travis is one of only two House candidates to get the support of the Delaware chapter of the Faith & Freedom Coalition. I won’t put words in their mouth, I’ll just quote them. Uh, liberally:
Welcome to Walking with God and the Bill of Rights
It is with great joy that we welcome you to join us in our journey to walk with God and to defend the Bill of Rights. The combination may sound strange but they are more closely aligned then you may think. We at Faith & Freedom believe that our Founding Fathers made a covenant with God. Not along the lines as great as was made with Abraham, but the results are the same.
But with our Founding Fathers they went to God and asked for His divine blessing on their mission to break free from tyranny; they knelt down and ask God for His wisdom, council, and blessings. God’s response to their surrendering to His will was to give us a nation and a homeland. This was the covenant between our Founding Fathers and God. We honor God, give him thanks and praise, and he will lead us in our efforts.
Our Constitution and Bill of Rights where put together in a way that could not pass until Ben Franklin reminded them how they had turned to God for His help in forming this nation, so how could they not build this country without Him. They again knelt in prayer and praised God. These two documents were inspired by God and placed on the hearts of Madison, Jefferson, Henry and others.
Our real troubles started when we turned from God and the values, morals, and Bible He gave us. New math, new age, and environmental worship have replaced the real education, the Constitution, and God. Things have not worked out so well ever since. We welcome you here to join us in going back to our future.
Travis is also a favorite of the Rose & A Prayer anti-choice folks. She does not reflect the views of most Brandywine Hundred voters and is far to the right of most of them. Which is why the R’s are trying to hide her from the public. Matthews also immediately brings a public education perspective that is sorely lacking in Dover. Plus, he opposes capital punishment and supports decriminalization of marijuana. Worth an investment in a competitive race, which this is.
2. John Mackenzie, 22nd RD: A rarity. Campaign stuff that’s worth reading. Click on this and on this. Not only is it clear that he wrote his own copy, but he comes across as someone who will be a serious legislator and quite the progressive. He perhaps reminds me most of Michael Barbieri, who is one of the most outstanding legislators we have. We could use several more legislators like him, and Mackenzie is in that mold. He gave Liane Sorenson, a superb senator, a real run for her money in a previous race, and word has it that he’s a door-knocking machine. Worthy of our support. While I admire Steve Newton, I’m psyched for Mackenzie.
3. Marie Mayor, 20th RD: Well, let’s see. She’s right on the issues, she’s running a great campaign, she never really stopped running after the 2012 election, she almost won last time, and she, too, would immediately take her place as one of the best legislators in Dover. The political stars could also be aligned, as the anti-Obama folks won’t overrun the Sussex County results like in 2012. I also believe that, once she’s elected, her constituent work will enable her to get reelected several times over. Let’s help her win!
You know that I’ve already ponied up for Brenda Mayrack. With that in mind, who else should I write a check for? I’ll consider your ideas if you consider mine.