Delaware Liberal

Brenda Mayrack is Wiping the Floor with Tom Wagner

I’ve been listening to this debate on WDEL and Brenda Mayrack is really crushing it here. Wagner is crouching behind a story that his is a technical and complex job, which is why he isn’t doing accountability and watchdog roles — even though he thinks he should be re-elected to do accountability and watchdog work. He sounded *very* condescending to her and she bypassed that BS to stay on her message. Wagner spent a great deal of his time explaining how the real work of accountability belongs to agency management and the legislature. Basically, Wagner wants you to know that:

1. His job his hard and tough to understand.
2. His staff conducts audits, which are detailed and exacting, but somehow making this information more accessible or even making sure that taxpayers have a better sense of how money is spent is not his job, mon.
3. Wagner was challenged on the Treasurer’s Office audit and the Delaware Military Academy audit and he made the case for how technically challenging audits were, that Brenda didn’t get the technical job that is the Auditor’s and voters should send him back to his eyeshades and not pay attention to the fact that there is little accountability work coming from his office.

The lowpoint, really, was when Allan Loudell asked Mayrack at the end if she thought she was in danger of being caught in the “Delaware Way” like Chip Flowers. Chip Flowers was caught out by his own incompetence and his inability to shut up. But way to push the victimhood. Luckily for us, Brenda Mayrack does not seem built to get her victimhood on if she runs into the usual speedbumps.

This was an impressive performance, I thought, and I think that Brenda Mayrack is going to be a great auditor.

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